so....this is my first blog (kinda). i had some last time, before i was mia, but they sucked, so i deleted those.
anywayz, i joined in april 12 last year, and that means, that my first gamespot anniversary is coming. also, i checked my unions, or in other words, the JCU, the union im active in, and i joined it that same day, april 12.
so, i will make another blog in a few days, but when finding out about this, i just had a pop in my head, and remembred why i had joined, almost one full year ago, the gamespot community;
I was searching for cool games, like i always did when i finished the game im playing, and i came across all sorts of games. im a big fan of starwars, i was looking for games like that, and on that, for my PC, back then i had no Wii, or DS. i came across an epic, unreleased game, the force unleashed. it was massive, i watched all trailers available, and articles, and everything gamespot and youtube searching provided. and once, when looking around, i came across a "related" unions section. i wasent sure what that meant, but between names and others, i saw one thing that cuaght my eyes, a cartoonish ver. of anikan on mustafar, or some other jedi there. it was captioned (kinda) by "Jedi Council Union" and other things. i clicked that name, and came to the JCU's first page. i started looking around it. "related games" was full of all of the days star wars games. i also looked into the forum. foruming has never been my thing, but it was plain interesting, with jokes, debates, OT, and an rpg. also, there were officer elections (sky Vs. forte) and lots of diffrent people. i didnt join emmediatly, but i started looking into that, andthinkingmy answers to the many discusions. after about a week i decided to join.
i have went a long way since then, i think my posts make much more sense, and i have more sw knowledge. the "it has been a great year with gamespot" ill save for the 12th, but this is my story, hope someone reads it and comments.