Well time for another blog entry, i'm pretty sad that my time off is coming to and end, i go back to work on monday after about 2 weeks off, but at least i'm not out at sea so thats an upside :)
I picked up super paper mario for the wii the other day. Right now i'm on chapter 2-4. The visuals are pretty pleasing and the whole switching from 2d to 3d is kind of interesting. So far the game is okay, whats really keeping me from getting into it too much is the difficulty level, this game is really, really, really easy. I'm hoping it'll ramp up a little though from looking at reviews that doesn't seem to be the case. I
m also not really digging the story either, i'm usually all for quirky nintendo characters and stories but so far this one just isn't grapping me.
I've been playing a lot of resistance fall of man online as well. I'm not that great, but i have noticed myself steadily improving. My username is jedibryan on there, so if you're on feel free to drop me a line. The last couple days i've been playing a lot of shotgun only deathmatch in the bus yard. I also really like deathmatch games on the USS Lexington. I play breech and meltdwon every once in a while. I pretty much stay away from captgure the flag though, i don't really enjoy those games quite as much.
I'm finally starting to catch up on my backlog of comics, i've pretty much worked through the big stack i picked up at the comic con the other week, and i've finally finished up the entire civil war series (all the one shots, insividual characters, etc.).
Went outr and saw grindhouse last weekend, and was pretty pleased with it. Planet terror was awesome and definitley my favorite of the double feature. Deathproof was good, but some of the dialogue scenes i just didn;t really care for. My favorite part was probably the fake previews. I really liked the thanksgiving one, ther werewolf one was great as well. If you've got 3+ hours to drop in a theater i'd recomend the movie.
jedimasterbryan Blog
emerald city comic con
by jedimasterbryan on Comments
Well i had a blast this weekend, i went to emerald city comic con in seattle on saturday and sunday and boy was it fun. On Saturday i didn't really buy many comics i decided to hold off till sunday when i might be able to find some last minute markdowns going on :)
So i took saturday to meet all the special guests and such. The one i was most excited going into the show was Peter Mayhew (chewbacca) and i was pretty happy to meet him and get his autograph though he seemed to be in kind of a bad mode and wasn't that friendly.
The guests i was looking forward to second most were the penny arcade guys, i went to their booth and ended up buying there new "heroism" t-shirt and a poster which i got autographed. They were really nice and they were having fun interacting with their fans and even playing a few rounds of puzzle quest with each other and fans who had brough DS's.
Next on the list were some of the actors from the show Farscape; Gigi edgely (Chi'ana), Wayne Pygram (scorpius), and Lani Tupu (Capt Crais and pilot's voice). I don't know if its because there weren't many farscape fans there or what but these guys didn't have many fans around, which was actually a good thing for me because it meant they had a lot of time to really talk and hang out with fans. Gigi was really cool and we actually talked for about 15 minutes or so after i got her autograph, that was probably my favorite part of the Con, she was really nice ( and really really hott as well :))
At the end of the first day they had a costume contest, where some pretty impressive costumes were worn. The Winner of the show was an amazing greivous costume and second place went to a really well done hellboy costume.
After the con was done for the night i met up with a friend and we cruised around seattle, checking out some of the sights including the space needle.
The next morning we went to the sci-fi museum in seattle, which had some cool sci-fi props and costumes, then to the Experience Music Project which had some great music memorbilla.
Then after lunch i headed back to the Con. I picked up about 25-30 comics ( some star wars stuff, and a bunch of marvel). Then made another round to the farscape cast. And then i sat in on a marvel discussion where some of the writers answered fan questions and talked about civil war, the aftermath, and upcoming events. Then i sat in on a webcomics panel. Mike from penny arcade was there, scott kurtz from PVP, and a few others. It was pretty interesting and scott and mike were pretty funny.
All in all it was a great weekend, and i'm definitley gonna try and make it out again next year, i just hope i wont be at sea. I want to make PAX this year, but unfortunatley i'll be at sea probably. Anyway, i
ve got a bunch of pics and stuff so i'll probably put them together and post a video/slideshow on youtube, i'll post the link when i get it done.
back from sea
by jedimasterbryan on Comments
Well now that i'm back from a couple months under the ocean (i got back a few weeks ago) i figured its about time i posted a new blog entry since its been a while.
I picked up a ps3 about a week after i got back from deployment. I picked up nba street homecourt and resistance fall of man for it. I've also got some blu-ray disks. I really enjoy resistance, i beat it on normal difficulty the other day and i'll probably start on hard mode here soon. I think the bluray has been my favorite aspect of the ps3 so far though, with my hdtv i'm really enjoying the superior quality i was really impressed with the fight scene in rock balboa.
I'm still enjoying my wii as well. I picked up wii play last weekend, the games weren't too impressive, but i mainly bought it for the extra wiimote so i'm not too dissapointed. I downnloaded some virtual console games so i've been busy playing with those. Super mario world, zelda ocarina of time, and mario kart 64.
Thats about it in terms of gaming. I'm looking forward to the weekend, i'm heading over to seattle to go to the emerald city comic con. Peter mayhew (chewbacca) will be there, as well as the guys from penny arcade, and some actors from the tv show farscape. If anyone else is heading out to the convention maybe we can meet up, i'll be there saturday and sunday all day
lego star wars 2 and youtube
by jedimasterbryan on Comments
Well i beat lego star wars 2 this week. It was pretty good overall. A nice improvement on the first game. I beat it with about 60% completion. So i'm in the process now of going back through and getting everything and unlocking all the characters and such.
I'm thinking about maybe picking up a DS next paycheck, its got some decent games out, and with FF3 coming out for it this fall i might pick one up. Although i have to keep in mind the $600 i'll be dropping on a PS3. :)
I've created a couple more videos on youtube (my channel is www.youtube.com/jedimasterbryan) and i also got approved for a director's account yesterday. I'm not doing anything as of yet that i really need a director's account for, but it might come in handy eventually.
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