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back from sea

Well now that i'm back from a couple months under the ocean (i got back a few weeks ago) i figured its about time i posted a new blog entry since its been a while.

I picked up a ps3 about a week after i got back from deployment. I picked up nba street homecourt and resistance fall of man for it. I've also got some blu-ray disks. I really enjoy resistance, i beat it on normal difficulty the other day and i'll probably start on hard mode here soon. I think the bluray has been my favorite aspect of the ps3 so far though, with my hdtv i'm really enjoying the superior quality i was really impressed with the fight scene in rock balboa.

I'm still enjoying my wii as well. I picked up wii play last weekend, the games weren't too impressive, but i mainly bought it for the extra wiimote so i'm not too dissapointed. I downnloaded some virtual console games so i've been busy playing with those. Super mario world, zelda ocarina of time, and mario kart 64.

Thats about it in terms of gaming. I'm looking forward to the weekend, i'm heading over to seattle to go to the emerald city comic con. Peter mayhew (chewbacca) will be there, as well as the guys from penny arcade, and some actors from the tv show farscape. If anyone else is heading out to the convention maybe we can meet up, i'll be there saturday and sunday all day