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Cat Sitting

I have been doing that since last Sunday for my neighbors who had to go to a funeral in California. We take care of their cats everytime they go away. They have 5 cats: The first two live outside in a shed (a really nice shed furnished for cats with a litter box nice beds and platforms at the windows for the cats to sit on in case they want to look out!) I think they are named Big Mama and Little Mama, but I never see them, so I sort of forgot their names! The second two live in the house. They are two calico sisters named Reba and Leanne (named after Reba McIntyre and Leanne Rimes!) I call these the two evil cats. They are huge cats and one second they will let you pet them and then be hissing at you the next second! Now they have a new cat. His name is Little Boy and he is very pretty. He was in the house until they left, but then they made him a little house of his own on the front porch by the door. Twice a day, I go over and fill 5 water dishes, 5 bowls of dry cat food and 3 bowls of canned cat food! These cats are some porkers! In all the time I have been taking care of these cats, none of them have ever been friendly to me. The only cat over there that is friendly to me is one that doesn't even belong to them, but comes over and eats their cat's food! I just want to say Merry Christmas to all my friends here again. I hope you all have a very special holiday season! I want to mention a few names in particular. Merry Christmas to: Weezie_Y Yoester PurplePaws Wolf JTripper Angelduster Diamond Dog Sgt. Pepper SRead Kingy78 and if there is anyone who's name I forgot, please don't be mad at me!