I'm sort of cheating I guess
by jedimastertahl on Comments
I haven't blogged in a long time. Can't think of much to say. So I'm copying and pasting my blog from "My Place" over here. Kinda cheating, but not really I guess. Every day over there someone gives us a word to blog about and this was today's word and what I wrote about it. Appliance Today's word got me thinking.....If I had to give up all my appliances but one, which one would I keep? And after much thinking I have decided. The one appliance I simply could not do without is my refrigerator! How on earth would I keep anything cold if I didn't have it? With an ice chest and ice? How inconvenient would that be? Actually I already know how inconvenient it is because I have done it before. I did it for 28 days in 1998 when we took a road trip! I think I could do without a stove. I mean I could always barbecue or manage to cook some way! I have done without a washing machine before. I didn't like it, but it wasn't impossible. I'm already doing without a dryer because mine decided to retire early! I might shed a few unhappy tears if I had to give up my microwave, but I guess if I had to, I could do it! But, please, please don't take away my refrigerator!