The Day After
by jedimastertahl on Comments
I hope everyone had a good Christmas and got everything they wanted (if receiving is your thing). I went to Christmas Dinner at my neighbor's house. There were several of us there that live in Twilight Trails and it was very enjoyable. I brought home a bunch of leftovers too, so I won't have to cook tonight! After we came home, Nicole and I watched Clone Wars volumn one (she got both one and two for Christmas), "Three's Christmas" (couldn't miss that!) and then we dug out tapes of "Wings" (another favorite show) and watched 2 Christmas episodes of that show. It was a very nice evening. What did all of you do? Does anyone have plans for New Year's Eve? I rarely do anything on that day, except sometimes buy a bunch of junk food and eat it while I'm waiting for midnight to come. I'm not a party-er. And to tell the truth, I don't like to be around a bunch of people who drink because I don't.