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Warning: This is a Gripe

Something really irritated me this morning and I just need to vent about it. I belong to a freecycle group. You all probably know what it is already, but just in case you don't, it's a yahoo group where you can offer good usable items that you would like to give away, or ask for something you need. But today there was one in my mailbox where someone was asking for someone to give them a CAR! I couldn't believe someone would have the unmitigated gall to ask for something like a car "in good running condition"! Plus they said they already had one car, but when it breaks down, it is hard for them to get to the auto parts store to buy parts for it! As some of you know, I haven't had a running vehicle in almost 2 years, because the person I have who would ordinarily fix it, seems unable to find what is wrong with it and I can't afford a "real" mechanic! But, I tell you, I don't even like to ask someone for a ride, much less ask them to GIVE me a car! You might as well be one of those people who stand on the street corner with a sign! I know I shouldn't be so irritated about it, but I can't help it!