by jedimastertahl on Comments
Wow, I just checked out the Wings forum here and it was pretty busy! That's funny, back when I first joined, the Wings forum was deader than a door nail (whatever that is). But I didn't really care because I do most of my Wings discussion and game playing at Tom Nevers Field. There's some nice people there, and we don't have any ridiculous rules, just common courtesy. I was just surprised to see it busy here. Also, I noticed 4 games there, but only two of them were pinned to the top. I had a thought of sneaking by with more games in the TC forum by giving the threads a name that doesn't let people know it's actually a game. It doesn't really matter now though, since Purplepaws is creating the new board, which I think will be better anyway. I have more fun in the smaller communities, than in these huge ones anyway.