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Second Platinum!

I just got my second platinum trophy! The first was with Mirror's Edge, and this is for Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.

It actually wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be. Certainly not as hard as Mirror's Edge.

The hardest trophy was beating it on crushing difficulty. But it wasn't as hard as I feared it would be. You tend to notice patterns in the enemy's movements.

I also beat it on crushing without using a sniper rifle, which added to the challenge.

I intend to write a review for Uncharted soon. Overall, I think it gets an 8.5 / 10 from me.

Comics Reviews 8/12/09

Here are my reviews for this past week.


Cable #17:

Art: Ok. But Hope does not look the age she's supposed to. He doesn't do faces well at all.

I see a pattern here. First of all, she skipped from 7 to 9 during the Messiah War arc. Apparently, she'd grown up two years before X-Force popped it. And now, from the last issue (#16) to the current issue she's jumped two years. She's been living her life without Cable. While Cable, two years in the future, lived for a few hours and was able to meet up with Hope. That doesn't make much sense, but whatever.

7.5 / 10

Uncanny X-Men #514:

Art: Ok. Never really liked this guy's work, though.

I don't really like the Dark Avengers / Uncanny X-Men crossover, but it's all going to be good because: THEY'RE LEAVING SAN FRANCISCO! At least I hope so.

So, two X-Men teams: One to fight the "Dark X-Men" and one to fight the Dark Avengers. So far, interesting comparisons. But a question comes: who will they use to fight Sentry? If Osborn uses him, I mean. He might not for the sake of public image. I will be extremely pissed off if Daken beats X-23 (X-23 beat and almost killed Lady Deathstrike. She's a smart and tactical fighter).

It's apparent to me that X-Force takes place after all the other X-Men titles. Because Wolverine, Warpath, and X-23 are here. In X-Force, Warpath is possibly dead and X-23 is in HAMMER custody.

7.5 / 10

Blackest Night #2:

Art: Great.

I like how Hal and Barry beat Martian Manhunter.

This event is so far great. I liked the scene with Aquaman. And Tempest appears to now be a Black Lantern (after he was killed by Tula or Dolphin - I can't remember which)

Pariah is back! As a Black Lantern at least. Pariah was part of the first Crisis on Infinite Earths and had a small part in Infinite Crisis. For some reason, I liked the character. I hope Alexander Luthor and Harbinger come back too.

I don't like that Spectre was taken over. It doesn't really make sense. The host maybe, but the Spectre himself shouldn't.

The fact that Dove was not brought back is interesting. They made a point that he was at peace, and therefore could not return. Hawk, on the other hand, was recruited.

8 / 10

Blackest Night: Batman #1:

Art: Good

First, Damian annoys me. Just felt like saying that.

It's interesting to note that the body could be "empty" (as in, the soul has not moved on to the afterlife and the person isn't truly dead. Just the body. Like Bruce Wayne). Deadman's corpse was brought back, but his soul still remained wandering the Earth. Interesting.

I see Deadman playing an important role in this, due to his appearance in both this and Blackest Night #2.

7.5 / 10

Green Lantern Corps #39:

Art: Pretty good.

The "Mongul Corps" are born. Mongul has taken complete control of the Corps. I can't wait for Sinestro to rip Mongul apart - and he had better.

Jade returns to haunt Kyle. Interesting. I look forward to seeing what comes of this.

I feel like this issue contained some stuff seen in Blackest Night #1.

When looked at by a Black Lantern, Guy Gardner glowed red. Black Lanterns see the colors of the corps they could belong to. I find it interesting what they've shown so far: Barry Alan showed blue (Hope), Guy is red (Rage), Tempest is blue (Hope), and the majority of GLs have shown green (Will). I just felt like mentioning that. I think it's interesting.

7.5 / 10.

Comic Book Reviews

Alright. It's been awhile but here are my reviews for the comics I bought this past month. Along with a review of Watchmen.




I never liked the dialogue in pre-2000 comics. It always seemed corny. I didn't see that here. Barely anything corny in it. It was simply great.

The story kept me interested from beginning to end. I have to admit, I knew one or two spoilers, but I was still shocked and I enjoyed this entire book.

8.5 / 10. Classic.

Star Wars: Invasion #2:

Art: Ok

The series is off to a decent start. I liked the appearances of Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin Solo. But I didn't like their portrayal. I did not like that they were at the Jedi Praxeum, though. They'd already left by the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War.

7 / 10

Star Wars: Dark Times - Blue Harvest #0:

Art: Good. But I didn't like the coloring of Dass Jennir. He was kinda pale.

Basically, this was a prequel to Dark Times #13. It was released online a few months before #13 came out and was re-released in comic format in this issue. Pretty good story and explains how Jennir came to be involved with the slavers in #13.

7 / 10

Captain America: Reborn #2:

Art: Ok.

It was ok. Not enough of "Captain America: Reborn" actually shows... well Cap's rebirth. But I do like how Osborn is teaming up with Red Skull.

7 / 10

War of Kings #6:

Art: Not that good.

.... wow. They did it. They actually did it. Marvel really screwed up this event.

First, the best part was Black Bolt's scream (which was much weaker than I'd like). THAT was the only good part of this entire issue. That good part was negated with Vulcan surviving a direct blast from within two feet of Black Bolt. And to top it all of, BLACK BOLT DIES! Or at least is thought dead. Seems like Joe Q is doing a sweep of Marvel and just killing off characters. Nice Q!

In the end, War of Kings was a true disappointment.

6 / 10

Justice League: Cry for Justice #2:

Art: Good

So far I'm enjoying this series. This issue wasn't as good as the first, but it was good.

Man... why did it have to be Freddy? Why couldn't it have been Billy Batson as Captain Marvel? Oh well.

7 / 10

Comic Reviews 04 / 22 / 09

Here are my comic reviews from the past week:


Daredevil #118:

Good. Art was good.

Wow. Matt was fired by Foggy. You know, that didn't come as much of a surprise to me as you'd think. I had a feeling it was going to happen, but I was somewhat surprised that it actually happened (won't last, though)

Last note: I think Owl was faking, and he is setting a trap for Lady Bullseye.

7 / 10.

Ghost Rider #34:

Alright. Art wasn't so good.

"The Highwayman." Yeah ok. I thought the name was weird. The guy was creepy, but he isn't nearly as good as other Ghost Rider villains.

And apparently, Ketch has his powers back... how's that work? Anyway, I'm considering dropping this. After the whole thing with Zadkial, anyway.

6 / 10.

Guardians of the Galaxy #13:

Ok. Art was ok.

First, I only got this for the War of Kings tie-in.

Second, as far as Cosmic stories go, I don't find these interesting. I like Sci-Fi, but I just don't enjoy the stories of GotG. But this issue was good, because it was tied with War of Kings.

But this issue gets some credit for the Star Wars reference (Rocket Racoon calling Vulcan's flag ship a "Star Destroyer"). Also, speaking of Star Wars, the artist made Star-Lord look like Zayne Carrick (KOTOR comics). But it loses credit for Warlock. I like Adam Warlock, but this series isn't treating him well - he hasn't been right since Annihilation: Conquest.

7 / 10.

Thor #601:

Good. Art was good.

First, I thought the scene with Blake and Thor at the beginning was kinda funny.

Finally! Loki tells Thor (Blake) that the body he is in was Sif. Hopefully this will lead to a very, very angry Thor.

And hopefully Thor won't be in exile forever, as Latveria is not Asgard. I hope they don't stay in Latveria though.

Also, the Wikipedia comment was funny. Weird, but funny.

7.5 / 10.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic #40:

Ok. Art was alright.

First, I like Brian Ching's work. But honestly, he seems to be loseing his touch. I didn't like his work on the previous issue, and I didn't like parts of the art in Vindication.

Second, I'm tired of seeing these pirate and illegal groups and such in KOTOR. I'm just not a fan of this stuff, and I want to see the Mandalorian Wars!

Third, I am 100% sure Rohlan is Demagol, due to a few quotes in this issue (and Jarael's vision)

7 / 10.

JLA #32:

Good. Art was ok.

First, I'm starting to become a fan of this Firestorm. Not enough to read his series, but he's pretty cool.

I, personally, think Starbreaker is lame. Maybe that's just my opinion. He's a "space vampire" who feeds on stars. Uh-huh. Again, maybe that's just me.

The prison for Shadow Thief was cool (light on every area of the room, so there would be no shadows)

7.5 / 10.

Star Wars: Dark Times #13:

Good. Art was great.

For some reason, I got a KOTOR (the game) feeling from this issue. I don't know why. Just the way people talked and explained things to the main character. Not saying it's a bad thing, just something I noticed.

And hope was snatched away. Palpatine tells Vader of a Jedi (Dass Jennir), and I have this hopeful feeling that we'll finally see Vader take down Jedi. But Palpatine decides to send Vader to stop a miner uprising! Oh well. Maybe Palpatine's plan for Jennir involves the 501st or, maybe even better, the Inquisitorius. Then maybe I'll get to see the true Jedi Purge, something I always wanted to see in a series that's about the Dark Times.

This issue had a good balance of smuggler - Imperial activity. And I look forward to the next issue.

8 / 10.

X-Force #14:

Pretty good. Art was ok.

Quick thing about the art: I usually don't mind this guy's art, but it felt weird this issue. First, I hate how Hope is drawn. Second, too many characters look 2D. And third, I don't like how he does Wolverine's mask.

Apocalypse is alive! Saw that coming. But it seems he's in the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" position, IE: he'll help Cable take down Stryfe. But this won't last, and a battle will ensue. How that'll end, I don't know. I just hope Cable, X-23, Hope, and Elixer survive. I really don't care much for the others. I see Archangel dying fighting Apocalypse or Stryfe at some point. I don't see Bishop coming out alive. He'll probably give his life to fix the things he's done.

7.5 / 10.

Comic Reviews 04 / 15 / 09

Here are my reviews for the comics I bought this week:


Green Lantern Corps #35:

Ok. Not too happy about the art.

I liked the scene with Sodam and his people. And when Sodam showed his father what he'd done.

I always knew Natu was Sinestro's daughter. I even thought they mentioned that in an earlier issue.

7 / 10.

Vigilante #5:

Ok. Art was ok.

This was better than Titans was. The battle between Jericho and Vigilante went as I had a feeling it would. I'd personally like to see Jericho turn good again, though.

7.5 / 10.

Captain America #49:

Good. Art was very good.

Now, this issue didn't have too much. So I'll get to the part that really bothered me. Sharon Carter doesn't remember most of what happened with the Red Skull. IE: She doesn't remember being pregnant, or having Sin (Skull's daughter) stabbing her and killing the baby (which Red Skull was very pissed about). But one day, when looking at herself in the mirror at a *ahem* friend's house, she sees the giant scar on her stomach, and breaks down when she realizes that she was pregnant (which prompts Falcon to give her the whole story). So... SHE NEVER NOTICED IN THE MONTHS SINCE IT HAPPENED?! She never felt it? She never saw it? WHAT?!

Sorry. That really, really annoyed me.

But this was still a pretty good issue.

7 / 10.

Uncanny X-Men #508:

Ok. Art was alright.

I really want to see Beast and his group finding a "cure" to bring back mutants.

And it looks like Psylocke's part of Madelyne Pryor's plan. How, I'm not totally sure. And I still say that her "magic" is all a telepathic trick.

7 / 10.

Comic Book Reviews 02 / 11 / 09

Here are my reviews for the week:


Avengers / Invaders #8:

Pretty good. Art was decent.

I loved when the two Captain Americas talked for a second. It was just great to see. I saw the ending coming since day one.

7 / 10.

Thor #600:

Good. Art was good.

I liked this issue. It's confusing that they changed the numbering system, but still good.

I don't like that Thor was exiled from Asgard. He's THOR! But of course he'll be back.

The best part was when Osborn and his new Avengers tried to capture Thor. Norman put his hand up to Thor's head, ready to fire, and Thor just flung him through the air like a bug. That was great!

7.5 / 10

X-Infernus #3:

Not bad. Art was decent.

This was a good issue. Now, Colossus and Wolverine are mind controlled. This'll get interesting.

7 / 10.

Green Lantern Corps #33:

Good. Art alright (but I HATE how they draw Kyle!!!)

So this new law isn't against love, it's just love between two Lanterns. And Kyle is the first to break this law.

The talk between Saarek and Star Sapphire was good. I liked the scene with the corrupt Lantern, doing secret rituals.

The story of Kyle doing a painting is interesting. I loved the scene where the black paint engulfed the green, violet, blue, indigo, orange, yellow, and red paint – very symbolic.

8 / 10

Mirror's Edge #4:

Not bad. Art isn't that good.

The story is interesting. I don't have much to say on that. But I want to see what Merc has to say about Faith taking her father to their hideout.

7 / 10

Star Wars: Clone Wars #4:

This review isn't much about the issue – this is my rant against the letters column.

The first letter is from a nine year old, who says the art is fantastic (…. Scott Hepburn). I'm not annoyed about the nine year old, he has an opinion. But I hate the fact that all this is aimed at nine year olds.

Second, a twelve year old replied. He said he likes it, but doesn't like Ashoka – he thinks she's annoying (finally! See, you're "target audience" is annoyed too!). A writer (or editor. Who replies to those anyway?) said that he's twelve, and that he might think she's annoying because he "really likes her."

I'm just annoyed. I'm annoyed that the target audience is nine, and that the writers blow off a kid who doesn't like Ashoka (same with us hardcore fans!)

4 / 10

Comic Book Reviews 1/22/09

Here are my reviews for the week:

Dark Avengers #1:

Not bad. Art was good.

The scene with Ms. Marvel was pretty good. I liked when she talked with Sentry and Ares. I see another Civil War coming.

The roster... ok. I think being Hawkeye is a waste for Bullseye. But it was GREAT when Venom was turned into the new Spider-Man. As for Moonstone becoming the new Ms. Marvel, I don't care either way (though I do like her better as Moonstone.)

But I did like the scene with Osborn getting into Tony's vault of armor.

8 / 10.

Uncanny X-Men annual #2:

Not bad. Art was good.

I like this "unknown story" with Emma and Namor. And the scene with Tony Stark at the Hellfire Club was kinda funny.

Honestly, though, I didn't see much story advancement. Most of it was Emma and Namor talking about old times. The only real advancement was that Shaw is now being held by the X-Men (though that won't last). And I don't like that Emma was able to fool Namor.

7 / 10.

Thunderbolts #128:

Pretty good. Art was ok.

These new Thunderbolts have a very different from the last guys. While the other guys were brutal, insane, and unpredictable people, these new guys are more of an Assassin squad (which is what Osborn says they are)

I think it's pretty cool when comics keep in touch with changing times. In this issue, the new President Obama makes an appearance as a major character, talking with Osborn about Norman's new status and about his past as the Goblin.

Ant-Man isn't as boring as I feared, and his armor was pretty cool. But he is still someone I wouldn't want to read about for more than a few pages.

8 / 10. Currently on the fence about whether or not I'll keep collecting this series.

Star Wars: Knights of the
Old Republic #37:

Alright. Didn't like the art.

Felt like just another issue to me. And it was pretty boring.

On the bright side, Jarael has shown Force potential. That's cool. And this fact was shown to her by "Rohlan," who I now think is Demagol.

7 / 10.

Ghost Rider #31:

Not bad. Art was ok for the first few pages, then they changed to the old artist (but I must say, he's getting better and is drawing everyone more realistic)

This sidestory about the ex-cop, who was almost eaten by a cannibal and wants to kill Ghost Rider, seems alright. But it doesn't seem to have much to do with the rest of the story, and seems kind of boring to me. Plus, HE'S JUST A GUY!!! He shouldn't have been able to survive the Penance Stare that Blaze gave him a few issues ago.

The rest of the story was pretty good. It was interesting to see the African king and queen Ghost Riders (though the king kind of looked like an english Ghost Rider, for some reason. Maybe it was the hat...), and it was interesting to see the faces of the other Riders. But really, I absolutely hate that A. there's more than one Ghost Rider and B. that they're Heaven's weapon. Why would Heaven make their spirits of vengeance look like demons, and where does Zarathos fit into it?

7 / 10.

X-Men: Kingbreaker #2:

Pretty good. Art was good.

The scene with the galactic killers was cool. When they mentioned the symbiote, my hope was that it was Carnage. Sadly, that hope was shattered.

The scene with Gladiator was good. Part of me wanted to see him join Lilandra, but only a small part. The rest of me said that would be bad writing for him to defect.

Why would you wait in a prison as a trap? Why wouldn't Havok want to be above sealevel so he's powerful enough?

War of Kings prediction:

Vulcan will fall, Lilandra will seem too weak for the role by her people, and Black Bolt gives the role to Maximus or himself.

7.5 / 10.

Justice League of America #29:

Alright. Art was ok.

The story seemed pretty worthless. It was all about a fight between the JLA and Starbreaker (a not-nearly-as-cool rip-off of Galactus) that happened in the PAST! It has no significance on the story at hand. It was just boring.

6 / 10

Green Lantern #37:

Great! Art was great.

A nice meeting between Hal Jordan and Sinestro, Hal struggling not to take advantage of the Lethal Force law (while Sinestro hung on a crucifix). Seeing the four-way battle was great! Green Lantern, Blue Lantern, Sinestro Corps, Red Lantern battle. Then, we see Laira (who has become a near-mindless being obessed with killing) and Hal
Jordan battle - Hal trying to turn her. Then, when she asks Hal for help, Sinestro deals the killing blow to her. This makes Hal create an electric chair around Sinestro - ready to finish the execution - and Hal is recruited (forcibly) into the Red Lantern Corps.

9 / 10!

Comic Reviews 12/10/08

Here are my reviews for the comic books I bought last week:

Secret Invasion: Dark Reign (oneshot)

Pretty good. Art was decent, but they drew Namor horribly.

So he's giving all these people whatever they want. That's interesting. I'm curious who this guy is that Norman threatened them with.

So... Swordsman is dead? Wow. Didn't expect that. Seems the Goblin is coming through again.

Previews were decent. Might get one but I doubt it.

8 / 10

What If? Fallen Son

Pretty good. Art was decent.

I was actually surprised by how Stark died. I assumed he would die stopping the bullet, but this actually surprised me.

I liked how everyone was. It was interesting to see how they react to Tony's death. And I liked Luke's line about registration. And I liked that Red Skull took over Tony's company.

The second story was decent, but rushed. And had a touch of the cliche "villain tells heroes his evil plan" thing.

7.5 / 10

Green Lantern Corps #31

Interesting. Art was alright, but I hate how they draw Kyle.

This new law... it's interesting. I want to see the Green Lantern's reaction.

I'm just waiting for Kryb to get killed by the Green Lanterns. Not happy she has a few GLs under mind control. That is an annoying villain cliche (good if done right, though).

This new Star Sapphire... good, but I want her to actually be leader of the Star Sapphire Corps.

8 / 10

Justice League of America #27

Good. The art was good as well.

I like seeing Dr. Light (the hero one, not the villian). I think she's pretty interesting.

I found Blitzen very funny throughout.

So now, Black Canary's found "the lounge" where Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman meet. That's interesting, but I hope she doesn't join them. I've never been in favor of her even being chairwoman of the JLA.

8 / 10.

Star Wars: Clone Wars #3

Not bad. So far, this is the best artist on the title (he's not the best, but he's decent)

Wow. This is actually getting slightly darker. They're dealing with the slave trade in Star Wars. Well, that's a step forward. If they get good writers and make it darker, it could be as good as the Republic series.

7.5 / 10

Final Crisis #5

Interesting. Good art.

I liked this issue. Every issue is very confusing, but at the same time fantastic. I like Mister Miracle (I've always thought his flying discs were cool) and I'm curious to see what those face markings on his group's face mean.

The idea of this "god-number" is very interesting (it's the almost impossible number of turns to complete a Rubik's Cube, 17).

I wonder if that Guardian is dead. Probably not, I bet. But we'll see. I'm waiting for the Alpha Lanterns to turn completely evil.

8 / 10

Final Crisis: Revelations #4

Good. Art was good as well.

So, Spectre is the slave of Cain. Interesting. And forcing Spectre to use his power to spread Anti-Life was amazing.

I can't wait for Spectre and Crispus Allen to merge and punish Cain.

8 / 10.

New Games, Comics, And Reviews

Well, I just got a couple of TPBs (a collection of a bunch of comic books). Two of which were Infinity Gauntlet (Marvel) and Crisis on Infinite Earths (DC).

I'm written a couple of game reviews recently. Which I've done before but not much lately.

Aside from games, here are my TPB reviews so far:

Infinity Gauntlet:

Fantastic! I, for one, do not hate old art / colors. I mean, yeah there are better artists. But the people who did the old stuff were better than the majority of artists out there.

The story was great. I love Cosmic / Sci-Fi. I also like seeing characters use their powers. Which I saw. Sadly, this was before Galactus, Surfer, and a bunch of others got a power boost around 2000. Nevertheless, it did have show of power.

Sadly, what I don't like about most pre-95 comics is the somewhat corny dialogue. Such as calling each other by their hero names, speaking their mind a bit too much, one too many thought bubbles, etc. But this was just great.

8 / 10.

Teen Titans vol. 6: Titans Around The World:

Good. Art was good, and the story was interesting.

This takes place after the One Year Later thing after Infinite Crisis (not to be confused with Crisis on Infinite Earths. Infinite Crisis is the sequel in 2005. CoIE is 1985). It starts off with us seeing, and "hearing," a bunch of things that had happened. Long story short - the Teen Titans disband after the death of Superboy, and there had been many many failed attempts to restart the team. But now, one year later (hence the name ;) ), a very fragile group of heroes has been created. One member, a subject of much debate among some members, is Deathstroke's (their biggest enemy) daughter, a killer a member of the Titans (who hides alcohol in her room).

We also get a cameo by the Doom Patrol (led by Beast Boy's, ex-Teen Titan, parents). Which leads into an interesting sidestory.

Great. 8 / 10

Green Lantern vol. 1: No Fear


Art, admittedly, isn't that good. But it's somewhat acceptable.

Story was great. I started reading Green Lantern with #25 (end of the Sinestro Corps War). After that, I got both Sinestro Corps volumes in TPB form. But I wanted to read before that. So I grabbed this. The story is interesting, and we get some great GL moments (IE: Using the head of a Manhunter, while falling, to charge ring)

The second story didn't seem to be as interesting (this TPB contains two arcs). But it was interesting none the less.

8 / 10.

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