Dark Avengers #1:
Not bad. Art was good.
The scene with Ms. Marvel was pretty good. I liked when she talked with Sentry and Ares. I see another Civil War coming.
The roster... ok. I think being Hawkeye is a waste for Bullseye. But it was GREAT when Venom was turned into the new Spider-Man. As for Moonstone becoming the new Ms. Marvel, I don't care either way (though I do like her better as Moonstone.)
But I did like the scene with Osborn getting into Tony's vault of armor.
8 / 10.
Uncanny X-Men annual #2:
Not bad. Art was good.
I like this "unknown story" with Emma and Namor. And the scene with Tony Stark at the Hellfire Club was kinda funny.
Honestly, though, I didn't see much story advancement. Most of it was Emma and Namor talking about old times. The only real advancement was that Shaw is now being held by the X-Men (though that won't last). And I don't like that Emma was able to fool Namor.
7 / 10.
Thunderbolts #128:
Pretty good. Art was ok.
These new Thunderbolts have a very different from the last guys. While the other guys were brutal, insane, and unpredictable people, these new guys are more of an Assassin squad (which is what Osborn says they are)
I think it's pretty cool when comics keep in touch with changing times. In this issue, the new President Obama makes an appearance as a major character, talking with Osborn about Norman's new status and about his past as the Goblin.
Ant-Man isn't as boring as I feared, and his armor was pretty cool. But he is still someone I wouldn't want to read about for more than a few pages.
8 / 10. Currently on the fence about whether or not I'll keep collecting this series.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic #37:
Alright. Didn't like the art.
Felt like just another issue to me. And it was pretty boring.
On the bright side, Jarael has shown Force potential. That's cool. And this fact was shown to her by "Rohlan," who I now think is Demagol.
7 / 10.
Ghost Rider #31:
Not bad. Art was ok for the first few pages, then they changed to the old artist (but I must say, he's getting better and is drawing everyone more realistic)
This sidestory about the ex-cop, who was almost eaten by a cannibal and wants to kill Ghost Rider, seems alright. But it doesn't seem to have much to do with the rest of the story, and seems kind of boring to me. Plus, HE'S JUST A GUY!!! He shouldn't have been able to survive the Penance Stare that Blaze gave him a few issues ago.
The rest of the story was pretty good. It was interesting to see the African king and queen Ghost Riders (though the king kind of looked like an english Ghost Rider, for some reason. Maybe it was the hat...), and it was interesting to see the faces of the other Riders. But really, I absolutely hate that A. there's more than one Ghost Rider and B. that they're Heaven's weapon. Why would Heaven make their spirits of vengeance look like demons, and where does Zarathos fit into it?
7 / 10.
X-Men: Kingbreaker #2:
Pretty good. Art was good.
The scene with the galactic killers was cool. When they mentioned the symbiote, my hope was that it was Carnage. Sadly, that hope was shattered.
The scene with Gladiator was good. Part of me wanted to see him join Lilandra, but only a small part. The rest of me said that would be bad writing for him to defect.
Why would you wait in a prison as a trap? Why wouldn't Havok want to be above sealevel so he's powerful enough?
War of Kings prediction:
Vulcan will fall, Lilandra will seem too weak for the role by her people, and Black Bolt gives the role to Maximus or himself.
7.5 / 10.
Justice League of America #29:
Alright. Art was ok.
The story seemed pretty worthless. It was all about a fight between the JLA and Starbreaker (a not-nearly-as-cool rip-off of Galactus) that happened in the PAST! It has no significance on the story at hand. It was just boring.
6 / 10
Green Lantern #37:
Great! Art was great.
A nice meeting between Hal Jordan and Sinestro, Hal struggling not to take advantage of the Lethal Force law (while Sinestro hung on a crucifix). Seeing the four-way battle was great! Green Lantern, Blue Lantern, Sinestro Corps, Red Lantern battle. Then, we see Laira (who has become a near-mindless being obessed with killing) and Hal Jordan battle - Hal trying to turn her. Then, when she asks Hal for help, Sinestro deals the killing blow to her. This makes Hal create an electric chair around Sinestro - ready to finish the execution - and Hal is recruited (forcibly) into the Red Lantern Corps.
9 / 10!