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Comic Reviews 04 / 22 / 09

Here are my comic reviews from the past week:


Daredevil #118:

Good. Art was good.

Wow. Matt was fired by Foggy. You know, that didn't come as much of a surprise to me as you'd think. I had a feeling it was going to happen, but I was somewhat surprised that it actually happened (won't last, though)

Last note: I think Owl was faking, and he is setting a trap for Lady Bullseye.

7 / 10.

Ghost Rider #34:

Alright. Art wasn't so good.

"The Highwayman." Yeah ok. I thought the name was weird. The guy was creepy, but he isn't nearly as good as other Ghost Rider villains.

And apparently, Ketch has his powers back... how's that work? Anyway, I'm considering dropping this. After the whole thing with Zadkial, anyway.

6 / 10.

Guardians of the Galaxy #13:

Ok. Art was ok.

First, I only got this for the War of Kings tie-in.

Second, as far as Cosmic stories go, I don't find these interesting. I like Sci-Fi, but I just don't enjoy the stories of GotG. But this issue was good, because it was tied with War of Kings.

But this issue gets some credit for the Star Wars reference (Rocket Racoon calling Vulcan's flag ship a "Star Destroyer"). Also, speaking of Star Wars, the artist made Star-Lord look like Zayne Carrick (KOTOR comics). But it loses credit for Warlock. I like Adam Warlock, but this series isn't treating him well - he hasn't been right since Annihilation: Conquest.

7 / 10.

Thor #601:

Good. Art was good.

First, I thought the scene with Blake and Thor at the beginning was kinda funny.

Finally! Loki tells Thor (Blake) that the body he is in was Sif. Hopefully this will lead to a very, very angry Thor.

And hopefully Thor won't be in exile forever, as Latveria is not Asgard. I hope they don't stay in Latveria though.

Also, the Wikipedia comment was funny. Weird, but funny.

7.5 / 10.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic #40:

Ok. Art was alright.

First, I like Brian Ching's work. But honestly, he seems to be loseing his touch. I didn't like his work on the previous issue, and I didn't like parts of the art in Vindication.

Second, I'm tired of seeing these pirate and illegal groups and such in KOTOR. I'm just not a fan of this stuff, and I want to see the Mandalorian Wars!

Third, I am 100% sure Rohlan is Demagol, due to a few quotes in this issue (and Jarael's vision)

7 / 10.

JLA #32:

Good. Art was ok.

First, I'm starting to become a fan of this Firestorm. Not enough to read his series, but he's pretty cool.

I, personally, think Starbreaker is lame. Maybe that's just my opinion. He's a "space vampire" who feeds on stars. Uh-huh. Again, maybe that's just me.

The prison for Shadow Thief was cool (light on every area of the room, so there would be no shadows)

7.5 / 10.

Star Wars: Dark Times #13:

Good. Art was great.

For some reason, I got a KOTOR (the game) feeling from this issue. I don't know why. Just the way people talked and explained things to the main character. Not saying it's a bad thing, just something I noticed.

And hope was snatched away. Palpatine tells Vader of a Jedi (Dass Jennir), and I have this hopeful feeling that we'll finally see Vader take down Jedi. But Palpatine decides to send Vader to stop a miner uprising! Oh well. Maybe Palpatine's plan for Jennir involves the 501st or, maybe even better, the Inquisitorius. Then maybe I'll get to see the true Jedi Purge, something I always wanted to see in a series that's about the Dark Times.

This issue had a good balance of smuggler - Imperial activity. And I look forward to the next issue.

8 / 10.

X-Force #14:

Pretty good. Art was ok.

Quick thing about the art: I usually don't mind this guy's art, but it felt weird this issue. First, I hate how Hope is drawn. Second, too many characters look 2D. And third, I don't like how he does Wolverine's mask.

Apocalypse is alive! Saw that coming. But it seems he's in the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" position, IE: he'll help Cable take down Stryfe. But this won't last, and a battle will ensue. How that'll end, I don't know. I just hope Cable, X-23, Hope, and Elixer survive. I really don't care much for the others. I see Archangel dying fighting Apocalypse or Stryfe at some point. I don't see Bishop coming out alive. He'll probably give his life to fix the things he's done.

7.5 / 10.