Here are my reviews for the comic books I bought last week:
Secret Invasion: Dark Reign (oneshot)
Pretty good. Art was decent, but they drew Namor horribly.
So he's giving all these people whatever they want. That's interesting. I'm curious who this guy is that Norman threatened them with.
So... Swordsman is dead? Wow. Didn't expect that. Seems the Goblin is coming through again.
Previews were decent. Might get one but I doubt it.
8 / 10
What If? Fallen Son
Pretty good. Art was decent.
I was actually surprised by how Stark died. I assumed he would die stopping the bullet, but this actually surprised me.
I liked how everyone was. It was interesting to see how they react to Tony's death. And I liked Luke's line about registration. And I liked that Red Skull took over Tony's company.
The second story was decent, but rushed. And had a touch of the cliche "villain tells heroes his evil plan" thing.
7.5 / 10
Green Lantern Corps #31
Interesting. Art was alright, but I hate how they draw Kyle.
This new law... it's interesting. I want to see the Green Lantern's reaction.
I'm just waiting for Kryb to get killed by the Green Lanterns. Not happy she has a few GLs under mind control. That is an annoying villain cliche (good if done right, though).
This new Star Sapphire... good, but I want her to actually be leader of the Star Sapphire Corps.
8 / 10
Justice League of America #27
Good. The art was good as well.
I like seeing Dr. Light (the hero one, not the villian). I think she's pretty interesting.
I found Blitzen very funny throughout.
So now, Black Canary's found "the lounge" where Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman meet. That's interesting, but I hope she doesn't join them. I've never been in favor of her even being chairwoman of the JLA.
8 / 10.
Star Wars: Clone Wars #3
Not bad. So far, this is the best artist on the title (he's not the best, but he's decent)
Wow. This is actually getting slightly darker. They're dealing with the slave trade in Star Wars. Well, that's a step forward. If they get good writers and make it darker, it could be as good as the Republic series.
7.5 / 10
Final Crisis #5
Interesting. Good art.
I liked this issue. Every issue is very confusing, but at the same time fantastic. I like Mister Miracle (I've always thought his flying discs were cool) and I'm curious to see what those face markings on his group's face mean.
The idea of this "god-number" is very interesting (it's the almost impossible number of turns to complete a Rubik's Cube, 17).
I wonder if that Guardian is dead. Probably not, I bet. But we'll see. I'm waiting for the Alpha Lanterns to turn completely evil.
8 / 10
Final Crisis: Revelations #4
Good. Art was good as well.
So, Spectre is the slave of Cain. Interesting. And forcing Spectre to use his power to spread Anti-Life was amazing.
I can't wait for Spectre and Crispus Allen to merge and punish Cain.
8 / 10.