Probably why EA dropped it's online pass requirements, too. Just another excuse for publishers to **** over with consumers, and perhaps a big part of why the Wii U is losing support to a degree. Publishers these days are so anti-consumer that I'm willing to say that this bullshit has become a requirement on every new console going forward in order to have guaranteed publisher support. And since Nintendo is only requiring differing locks based on region as opposed to used games blocking, they're basically dead if such a draconian requirement for all new consoles developed from here on out is true. Five dollars says that Sony will use its patented on-disc RFID used games lock as a PS4 requirement, thus making Nintendo a dead weight to all publishers.
Truly a sad day for the games industry, and for consumer rights as well. Guess the first sale doctrine no longer rules the land as it's like Office and Windows now where you HAVE NO RIGHTS to resell your game license, as its locked to the first computer/console you use and installation on another console requires that the player pays full MSRP. Microsoft has already pulled this kind of stunt with Office, so this is just an extension of their new anti-consumer stance on software and games for the long term. And I believe that Autodesk won a lawsuit about such licensing a while back. Truly heartbreaking, and it could be the end of GameFly and GameStop as we know them if true.
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