jefdvs6's forum posts
Your fine, its basicaly just a bad flu. People die from regular flu too, if they are sick, old or stuff that makes their immune system not able to coap with the disease. So if your a healthy teen you shouldnt have to worry.
Overall the swine flu is just blown out of preportions if you ask me. Its bad, its a pandanemic. But its not the world ender, neither will it decimate the human population...jer_1
Definitely agree with this
DONT BELIEVE THE HYPE! They likely are just trying to convince you to get some piggy-flu vaccine laced with all sorts of heavy metals and crap that's bad for you.
I would definitely avoid a this flu shot if you are very young, Autism here we come!
DO YOU EVEN HAVE A SENSE NOT TO INTERJECT WITH SUCH A COMMENT!? I have a mental condition that falls within the entire category of the s*** you're trying to bring up AND I DO NOT FIND THIS TO EVEN BE WORTH A LAUGH! Even if I did, it's not even a good joke; in fact, it's in verry piss-poor taste even to be saying such a f***ing stupid thing like that. And those vaccines have nothing to do with autism to the extent I know of; those so-called scientists have no veriifiable proof and are nothing but a bunch of little chickens acting like the great blue sky is about to fall on top of us. Same goes with all of the dumb f***s trying to say people are about to get infected and/or die just for talking here about swine flu. It's just a bunch of FUD. And if you're not down with that, I've got two words for ya: SUCK IT!
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