Reality Tv
by jeff41071 on Comments
I don't know about anybody else, but I'm sick of the Reality Tv genre. As far as I'm concerned they are a waste of precious Tv time that many need after completing a hard days work, as well as the many events going on after the work day with children as most parents know. I personally want to escape the real world when my day comes to an end. If I want reality, I'll go turn on CNN. With the possible exception of 'Rockstar INXS', or 'Tommy Lee goes to college', or even 'Extreme Make-over'. Shows like Big Brother, The Apprentice, Survivor, and so on, are a complete waste of time, you can see that on REAL (NOT REALITY) Tv shows and actually be entertained with a fictional storyline, not a half-baked, half fiction half non-fiction, conjured up by copycat producers. Did anyone stop to think, that the only reason these shows are as popular as they are is due to the fact that there isn't anything else on. Along with the fact that many, many households don't have cable, or satellite. Plus, all of the good shows are being cancelled left and right. It's just my opinion, but I challenge you to THINK ABOUT IT, you might come to realize that deep down, your opinion is more like mine than you realize. To all who already agree, KUDOS to ya.
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