There are games with a good storys and games with grinding storys. Thats the difference between a game people complete and a game people dont complete.
Your data dosent prove people dont care i would argue that your data proves theres alot of crappy storys being told. Ask people what they want and you will find what we want is better storys. I played and completed JC2 but it felt like a crappy grind. Far Cry3 had story progressions and i enjoyed that game more.
This article is one sided, find me a statistic of a game that has got opposite completion like 90% users completed, then lets review its story vs JC2. For example Far Cry3 had an excellent story with smooth progression through the game, JC2 had a very hocky stupid story with too much grind through the game.
First i will play the entire game on easy so i can experience the full game, then i will start over or continue with that character and up the difficulty, Only after that i will maybe go Hardcore but i will have to play online so that i have some backup.
IN THE FUTURE! I'm talking minimum 300 years or more in the future, everyone think Fifth element (it was 300 years in the future)! To make things modern or back in time will be bland and i wont get it, heck i even skipped out on GTA4 cause it was boring and already done before even by other company's like a GTA western style. I would love to see how detailed there guys can make a city futuristic. Scy-fy people are growing and I'm sure you would grab this market easily, anyone else agree?
jeff_d5's comments