to the person who said its not censorship. i think you need to understand the concept a bit more. no video games are actualy censored by your logic since all the games are changed by the companys that make them. but its the REASON for that change in wich the censorship lies. meaning that if they DONT change or self-censor their games then they get a rating that will in effect ban their games from being sold anyplace but the web. since ALL major (and most minor)retail outlets wont sell AO games.
you are correct that its the companys that censor themselves , but its only due to 3rd party rules that they do. otherwise why would they go to all the trouble to create the content in the first place if they didnt intend for it to be seen by the end user? they didnt just wake up one morning and say 'ohh, well we spent 400+ hrs making all these sex related content,but i think we will now remove them from the game for no reason what so ever'.
dont confuse censorship like what an admin could do in this forum say, like actualy changing or deleting your words, and the censorship that companys face if they dont follow someone elses rules reguarding content and are in effect baned from selling their work because of those rules. the end result is the consumer or reader doesnt get to see the actual content as the creater intended but rather only gets to view it through the filter of someone elses standards of 'right and wrong'. and that is the heart and soul of censorship no matter how you care to parse the actual phrases.
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