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3 star fighting badge challenge!

B8TINGU's Weekly Recap - Nov 9 2009* (my 360's blog @

It is hard to believe another week has passed. Here is the recap: It is a good one! B8TINGU had seven days of gaming! In a row! I know! Crazy! I feel like i'm bragging when I say our score climbed 1105 points last week... insanity! I guess that is what completing 56 achievements can do!

NEW GAMES! NEW GAMES! NEW GAMES! 10 of them to be exact! Battle Fantasia, Beowulf, DBZ: BURST LIMIT, DEF JAM: ICON™, Dragon Age: Origins, GAROU MOW, KOF98UM, SOULCALIBUR, Samurai Shodown II, and Street Fighter II' HF. I want more! I want more! Oh, and B8TINGU must have been in the mood to beat people down last week. DEAD OR ALIVE 4 was the favorite game. He played it on 4 of the days.

So that's it for now. It was a good week. On to the next one.


Wow, I'm currently on fighting binge!! So if you need help or would like to help out in any 360 fighting games hit me up and we'll talk! ReallyANY fighting game. Help is always appreciated and favors alwasy returned!Honest!

Ok let me be honest with you, I do have an alterior motive. lol.. Over at I have asmall but friendly competion, comprised ofa bout 7 or so gamers all racing to get the very first 3 star fighting badge the site has eer seen. No small task by any means..

This is just one of the many reasons why I love so much. So her I present to you the lurifd tale of the 3* fighting badge challenge, but first an explination...of sorts.

The list of fighting games and explination of box is as folows:

Game: Icon Tile / Game Name Proper / My currentGS / GS attainable / ? / my current # of achievements unlocked/

the * and the numbers after are 360voice specific game ratings so ignor those..

Battle Fantasia301000*3/48BlazBlue1000DBZ: BURST LIMIT51000*1/50DEAD OR ALIVE 43551000*22/45DEF JAM: ICON™01000*0/37Fatal Fury Special2004.44.0GAROU MOW0200*0/12KOF XII1000KOF98UM145200*9/12Marvel vs. Capcom 2200Mortal Kombat vs. DCU5001000*21/50Samurai Shodown II5200*1/12SOULCALIBUR40200*3/123.52.8Soulcalibur IV6501000*35/507.57.5Street Fighter II' HF0200*0/12STREET FIGHTER IV4301000*25/48SuperStreetFighter2THD2004.06.0Ultimate MK3145200*10/125.45.6Virtua Fighter 501000*0/323.58.5

I own 14 of the current 19. 2 retail and 3 arcade's left to go. Also the list does get an udate every so often adding in newer games. Like Tekken 6 will be coming, just don't knowwhen.

So this is the break down. You get certain badges for certain completion percentages for every genre not just fighting,butfor thistale I shall explaine my current standings. You have 3 tiers of badges that you can earn.The first tier is of course a 1 star , the next is 2 star, the last isthe 3 star, ther is no4 star or beyond in any genre as of now. and thier probbably won't be.Here is my scores for each or lack there of. I need the points listed to gain each badge,one star is the first box second star the second and third star, well the third! As you can see, I have some gaming to do!


Well now the tale that should not be!

A friend of mine Elmo Teh Azn was in my party, we wern't even playing the same game, but hey that's how it goes right? So Elmo says to me in passing that he saw me playing DOA 4 and that it gothim thinking about thethree star fighting badge. He says he might go for it, since no one on 360 has it....


I say that would be cool.. and I think about my games, hmm I have some of those.. so I retort that maybe we should have a race to that badge! lol.. So he says that he may put upa thread aboutit and see if anyone would be interseted in it.

The next day he hasthis thread posted: (*note first entry was edited by Elmo already)

Two gamers had already posted init..Karma Is a Bishand Dog of Thunder, soI went ahead and made it known Tha i too would be in this fray.. longstory short, It went offical(sort of) and Dog started tracking scores..that crazy Dog..sowe had to kinda put asign upend date toit. Low and behold seven gamersanswered the call and now.. it's on... here for you enjoyment are the not socurrent standings. but probably still pretty accurate:

Current Standings (Thanks DoT):

Current Standings as of 11/6/09:
1) Joshnorm - 42.415%
2) Dog of Thunder - 39.11%
3) B8TINGU - 17.034%
4) Ichya Paradise - 16.992%
5) Elmo teh Azn - 11.907%
6) Karma is a Bish - 3.771%
7) Ignorant Quarrel - 0%

Complete Fighting Games:
1) Joshnorm - 5 - MvC2, SC, SC4, SSF2THD, UMK3
2) Dog of Thunder - 1 - SC4

SOULCALIBUR: I got 3, pretty easy but I got interupted so I'll get back to it!
KING OF FIGHTERS 98: 1 now just 2 more to completion..
BATTLE FANTASIA: 2 more seems like pretty descent game so far.
DRAGON BALL Z: BL: 1 this looks like a grinder....ugh.
BOARDERLANDS: Like 9 or so more had a total blast in co- op, this is what interupted my SOULCALIBUR. but with 4 people it's AWESOME!!!

So if you don't know in my AC (auto challenge)I was 'lacks due to my 300 odd point lead.. when I gave it quick check I saw I was actually 35pts in the hole!? Man, did you know BAND HERO had a 490pt. ACHIEVEMENT!!! Yea you herd me right 490pts. for one achievement..which looks to take about 30 min or less to get. That had me on my fingers, but I still managed to pull down a couple extra hundred points for the win.

Now normaly I don't do this, but this is legit..and unfortunatly very sad, I was hoping that everyone that reads this could possible go to the link below and send a card.. no money, unless you want, but just a 1 card, it's a only a few dollars and moment of your time, but I think it would make a very terminaly sick little boy very happy, if not for a while..please, as I hear it he does not have much time left.��

OK That's it. Thanks for reading and please send a card. I am.