This isn't exactly an easy message to write, so i'll get right to the point. I'm leaving gamespot. I just spend entirely too much time on here, and that needs to come to a stop, in order to focus on other aspects of my life. Its not due to any other users specifically or anything. Although the community has seemed to take a drastic turn downhill in the last year or so. I remember back when people used to go out of their way to help others. now it seems all they do is try to rip people a new one and tell them how wrong/stupid they are. if the site wants to retain its "former glory", that needs to change. But thats all i'm going into on that. I'd be lying if i said i wouldn't miss posting here, or any of the friends i've made while here. You're all awesome! Especially those in the various lounges i've posted in. I'm not going to name specific people at all, as i don't want anyone left out. but those who i'd mention, you all know who you are anyways. Its been a great time. Well, i'm gonna end this before it gets any more sappy or cheesy. If anyone does have me on steam or other services, add me up cuz i wanna stay in contact with all of you. steam is very much the best way, though. PLEASE add me. DO IT! i can't stress that enough. i may occasionally check my PM's, but i can't make any promises. I'll miss you all :)
Wii U: Master_Shref
PSN: da_shref
-Starwarsjunky / Jeffster85 / ChikaraShref
And remember:
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