Sins of a Solar empire is a Great Game, but only if you like Extremly longstrategygames. One great game that just came out is STALKER Call of the Pripyat, Highly recomended i must say.
jeffsworld's forum posts
Ok Campaign AI is Extremely Aggressive at the hardest difficulty, But much of the the aggressiveness lacks a proper Casus Belli, But AI in battle mode at the hardest difficultyleaves much to be desired.
I like all the TW series but i personally prefer Empire, mostly because i prefer the era and the tactics along with it, though the ai is a lil broke its still alot of funn
Its not as bad as star force or sucurom, The account system is really the best way to prevent piracy and it has worked well for them. But it really no worse than steam. I dont think they will go out of buissness any time soon any ways, they are making a killing on dlc, and even if they did they will probly patch the game to remove the account sytem or at least leave a account server availible.
Its a great game if you can handle the fact it isnt a complete release, The game only come with 4 planes and if you want more expect to pay 7$ per. The single player is not as good as some other single player ww1 sims like Over Flanders Fields, it lacks some dynamics like wheather and time. But the flight model and the GFX is the best i have ever seen in a flightsim. This game shines when it comes to multiplayer, but only if your european, any where else like US and you will have a hard time finding and servers with decent ping, though i have been able to play on european servers fine with my connection. Mutiplayer has leader boards and medals(like achievments). I bought this game at release and despite its downfalls its worth the money, especially since the deveolper has been adding content with monthly patches.
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