Dr. Bacon - Helen, Jake, let's take this time to explore some of your life-partner issues.
Jake - Issues! I don't want to talk about issues this morning!
Helen - Now calm down, Jake! We have nothing to hide. I'm sure our issues aren't any more serious than other highly successful working couple.
Jake - That's what I mean!
Helen - Right, our issues aren't any more serious.
Dr. Bacon - Why don't we find out? Jake, how are you feeling right now?
Jake - Actually, I'm...
Helen - Because, our commitment to each other is so strong.
Jake - Dammit, Helen! She's always interrupting me like my opinions don't count!
Helen - But, you didn't say anything!
Dr. Bacon - Helen, please let him finish.
Jake - Yeah!
Helen - Sorry.
Jake - Okay. Well...um...that's all I wanted to say.
Helen - Doctor, I...
Jake - She thinks that just because she's the big, fat lawyer, she can run right over me!
Helen - What Jake means is...
Dr. Bacon - Helen, we're talking about Jake now. We'll get to your control issues soon.
Helen - Control issues!
Jake - Damn straight! She tells me what to do. how to drive, what to eat. She won't even let me drink milk if I want to. Innocent, pure milk. Got milk? Not Jakey! Dammit!
Daria is a great show