my dog, Susie Q is dying. how is she dying?
if you have read Stephanie Meyer's Breaking Dawn, u'd know a human girl, Bella married a vampire and got pregnant by him.
the pregnancy was miserable= the half-vampire baby sucked her momma's body dry. the bigger her tummy got, the boneyer the rest got. unlike Bella, the end result is not a beautiful little girl and the happy life as in a vampire family.
Susie is gonna die. she's not pregnant, she has heart worms. her organs are failing, her tummy is getting bigger while her face and wittle legs (she's a small dog) get weaker. they're shaky and its scary.
i didn't like Bella getting pregnant then i did for twilight-fan reason i don't need to start w/. i've had Susie Q for 11 years... she's a wennie dog/ golden retreiver...they're know to get cancer(labs are)... .
..Susie has big brown eyes too...