you both have a point and i agree with reviews and other such outlets i just dont agree with people who dismiss games because there off the same genre which has been happening alot lately
jeneara's forum posts
that pisses me off that i couldn't kick his ass*
i cant spell lol
Now i work at a EB Games in Australia. we dont set the prices got a problem call head office.
2. i know there low but what do you expect we dont know whole long you've had the game what you've done to it and what condition its in but most of the time we will still take it. (now i'm not saying that you treat it badly or anythign its just we have no idea)
3. as the guy said before people still trade all the time if you dont want to trade with us then well
4 i dont know what the discount card is overseas but in aussie we offer something called the EB Edge card now i cost $10 and lasts a year it gives you 10% off preowned games and an extra 10% when you trade in. thats good value if you by pre-owned 360 or ps3 games which are still like 50-100 dollars for most of them anyway so no i dont think we try to rip you off if its gonna benifit you hey if you dont buy preowned games then i tell you dont buy it its a waste of money but if you do it can save you alot of cash.
no just to be fair i have met some pretty bad Employee and customers too so i know how you fell i have the flu and i had a guy coem in today and start mocking me about having a raspy voice becuase my throat was sore and you know what i had to treat him like any other customer and that pisses me off that i could kick his ass
so just so everyone remembers we have to deal with crap too so if you get someone who a jerk thik mabye they just had **** of a customer or they might just be a jerk lol
well thats my rant
i think the old harvest moons were very much a game were once you started playing it you lost track of time.
then after you got bored you could leave it alone and then come back to it in a month or so and still be able to get right into it, like viva pinata and other open ended games for example the sims
but its good to hear they have branched out i'd love to see harvest moon and Xbox 360 people would have to play for the achievements lol would dirve some people up the wall lol
is it just me? or is everyone else sick of games being compared all the time.
so what if two worlds is like oblivion
Diablo was like Baldurs gate
i'm not saying that games shouldn't be comepared but it really bring downs the new games coming out
i mean what theres only maybe 2 games a year that really kick ass and then only one of them will be something completly new. adn most of the time we dont get anything new.
i seenothing wrong with building off a good genre.
am i the only one who thinkk this?
All that i heard was that bethesaor whatever didn't get told enough by playstation about there network so they cant get the downloads working.
Does anyone know when the downloadable content for oblivion ie the horse armor and the mages tower?
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