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Disney Channel Mistake

Wow what a poor also insulting choise.

I don't know whose choise it was in the Disney organization,but it was a terrible one.

The organizers of the Disney Channel Games.

Decided to put them on the same time as the 2008 Olympics.

Granted the DCG's took longer so they finished after the Olympics was well over.

But I found it insulting programming on their part.

They could have planned to have them anytime and they chose when the Summer Olympics were going on. What was the thinking behind that?

That Disney Channel is more important then the Oylmpics?

They are suppose to represent family values and good clean. So why insult the Olympics and all those who worked so hard to get there?

Great to see Blood Ties and Nip/Tuck and both back.

YesI like goth and yes I like sexy fluff,so sue me *L*

I think both shows bring a spicey entertaining element toTV not found in other shows.

Nip/Tuck has had far more of a run then Blood Ties. I honestly thought it was finished,though I liked it a lot. Maybe the new location will add new and even more interesting plots?

Blood Ties is total entertainment. I really enjoy it and think its heading in a hot direction. I hope they continue to be creative and avoid following familier patterns for the vamp genre.

So You Think You Can Dance

I have been watching the show since it's second season and love it

So when I heard about it's recent controversy over letting a dancer go. I decided to check out the info on the network that hosts the show's site.

I found the posts mostlyextremely emotionalrantings one would expect from teenagers.(I was the same way at that age,so don't get all offended) I was surprised to see many were in fact adults. I felt the opinions were very one sided and mean towards the shows hosts,so I sent my own in. It was fare and open minded and yes it was in opposition to the current rantings. Within (I kid you not) a couple of minutes,I was pounced on and dogged in a very nasty way. Simply for stating my opinion.

I am so so so glad Your site is not like that. That it encourages freedom of speech and not just for the target practice of other bloggers.

Thank you for presenting a truly open forum for opinions and ideas about tv.

Reality T.V. Needs a Reality Check.

I admit it. I held out a long time,then finally found myself liking a few of the reality shows. However I still maintain that 70% or higher of them are Tripe,pure and simple.   Aimed at appealing to the lowest common denominators. The most base and degrading sides of human nature. These shows are not designed to enrich our lives,teach us valuable lessons or even make us smile. They seem to be aimed at making us cringe,argue and whine. Trying to make others feel good by making some feel bad is a terrible standard to set for our kids.  I enjoy crasy fun loving compitition as much as the next person,but this ain't that! Thay are crude,mean spirited and many times just vicious for the sake of being so. We as Americans love compitition and that's rightfully so,we are good at it. But this isn't like that. Most realisty TV is just designs to shock and debase not just those competeing but those watching. Come on is this really and best we can do?

Why make us hunt for info we want?

My current thoughts....

I wanted to know the guest star/reoccurring character of a person on "South of Nowhere".

Did you have it,no. Did Nog’s own site have it,no?

I found on generic old TV guide site.

I really dislike TV guide for home use.

But there is was. So easy to find and no digging required.

The actress playing Clay’s birth Mother is Tempist Bledsoe. Of the Cosby show fame as his second to youngest daughter. In case anyone wondered.

Why was this so hard to find? Why can’t sites list the actors and actresses names who guest star. Especially one who will be a reoccurring character.

Why make us work so hard to find it out. The credits after the show got squeezed to microscopic to advertise as usual. So that wasn’t an option and the shows details here and at the did not say.

Top Forty Mentality

I love music. It enriches me and makes me come alive at times. I could listen to it nearly 24 hours a day.

That being said here’s my point....

Why do people limit themselves so much? It's like we are all still in school trying to fit in or something. I don't just say I listen to most all kinds of music "I really do".

Even the radio hosts are so narrow they squeak. If it’s not in the top forty of whatever shallow selection their station chooses to play... They haven't got a clue.

Why be so afraid of what others might think of you for knowing a genre of music? You shut out hearing some quality tunes.

We need to stop worrying about fitting in with a group and open our ears. There is so much good music out there in so many areas. Why miss out?

We can listen to most anything we want to in this country. So act on that freedom! Stop being sheep and let yourself here all that great sound out there.

Excessive advertising is ruining our series and movie watching.

I understand sponcers want to advertise the heck out of us poor suckers just trying to find entertainment on the tube. BUT ... This new thing of showing images on the bottom of the screen to advertise upcoming shows or events,while the show or movie is on. Is the ultimateslaughter of our viewing rights!I hate hate hate it and so do all my friends and family. It's why people are all rental crazy now. The programmers have gone far too far in advertising.

While I am on the promo rant I have a new/old pet peive to share. Advertising over the end credits or songs of a film or series. This is insanely botherng to everyone I know. Some of the films end with a oscar winning song that finishes the whole mood of the film. They are dashing this to peices! Disney channels,whomI usually like a lot. Have taken it to a newheight of stupid. They play partial music promos over the music at the end of series. Nogin plays partial vidios over the music at the end of music oriented show like Instant Star.{Get a clue guys} we watch the series "for" the music,during and at the end. This ruins the show or film for many.Or makes sure it ends on a sour note.How stupid is that?

((This part is new,,please read it.)) They found a new way to annoy the hell out of us. Now not only do thay flash the names of upcoming shows all over the bottom of the screens while we are watching a show. They are animating them. Things blow up and make noise while we are trying to watch a show we actually want to see. Is no one else complaining? Are we just going to let them ruin of entertainment with their stupid adverts? Come on join me... Tell them to stop. If enough people do...maybe they will?

Why is trash praised over taste?

My background is in fashion and theatrical makeup.

I also helped with staging and production for both community theaters and small fashion venues and for professional photographers.

It is with this background as well as being an artest that I ask...

Why do we reward brash trash over style and substance?

Watching Project Runway this time was painful.

Uli should have won and there can be no debate.

This isn't "Bad boys get ahead" This is a fashion show.

So why reward a rude vulgar half put together drug addict. Over a smoothe,fashion wearable fun and easily respectable person?