ghost whisperer in ..... 13 days wooohooonot long now
sorry i aint been on much i've just had sooo much to do i have been on the computer nd on this site but i jsut aint done a blog :P college has been so good its goin way better this year cause last year i was only doin 2 subjects but this year im doin 3 so i dont have that many breaks just the way i like it i also know now how to do surds and rearainging (sp) formulae nd i didnt last year nd i actually get wat sides assets + liabilities go on in 'T' accounts nd spanish is awsum i've learnt a lot alredy nd ive only had 5 lessons
well im off now guna make supper before i go to bed
since i had loads of requests to join facebook i've made an account so if any of u have one feel free to add me