Well, i couldnt help myself. I watched the magnificent seven, and it was so funny and awesome! Well, that all im gonna say, i really do not want to ruin for others. :P
Anyway! I reccomend all Aussies buy this weeks Tv Week, because it has a big double page article about season 3 and stuff, and it is really awesome.
So! School is back... :cry: but it is sort of ok, because Mondays are the best days ever now!
Have we all seen the actual Supernatural ad yet? NOt the one with House Californication and Life, but the actual one!!! I like scream everytime it comes on... :lol:
I know this is a random question, but did anyone actually watch Life? I did! I thought it was really good. It was pretty funny.
This is probably my quote of the day. My sister was thinking about it yesterday, and she thought it was cute when Dean said it.
S: I thought you said you hated being a P.A
D: Aw its not so bad, I kinda feel a part of the team, y'know?
In fact its not really funny, but i still like it. :P
Michelle. xoxo