My blog title is the name of a book. It is about a 14 year old girl suffering from anorexia nervosa. (my friend lent me this book by the way. thanks cass!)
Anyway, it is probably the saddest story I have ever read in my life. This girl looks fine the way she is in the beginning, and yet she thinks she is not good enough. So she constantly diets until she wastes away to a person only weighing in at about 70 pounds (31 kg). Yet she still feels she must diet. She doesnt know when she will stop all of this, and they she figured she'd die before she reached her goal. Sorry folks, not giving away the ending, i havent read it all yet! lol
Sorry, you probably didnt want to hear this, I should go.
jjluva luvs you all. xoxo
P.S you dont have to comment. just havent done a blog entry in a while, and i thought i should do this