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jepps2007 Blog

Learning manga.

Well ive looked at a few lessons on the internet, but im buying a book sometime soon from amazon, im not particularly stisfied with most of my drawings but one I drew was really good if i do say so my self!

Schools ending soon!

I was just posting to say that I cant freakin' wait for the summer holiday!six weeks of nothin but gaming, going on holiday, and staying out til like 12 at noght because the sun still hasnt gone in :)


Ijust started a new game AGAIN on oblivion, this is my fourth time (I didnt complete it any times) but it think i got it right this time, the reason i was dying was cos of fire, so now im a dark elf whos resistent to fire.

DS for free

OK so Istayed at my nan and grandads house last night, and my grandad asked if i was saving for anything, i said yeah i want to buy a ds    he was like  oh ok   so he went on eBay and bought one for me  HAHA   decision made lol   :)

XBOX 360 or DS

Im having trouble deciding now wether or not to buy an XBOX 360 or a nintendo DS  ...    obviously the 360 is better but as my friend pointed out i already have a pretty high end pc and can play alot of the games that are on 360 that are also pc       im so confused!!!!!!!:?

Saving for my XBOX

Im thinking of money making schemes that will get alot of money in a short space of time, i want to save for an XBOX 360   ...

ive already played some games at a friends house.

ive played  dead rising    which is amazing.

ive also played gears of war

and GRAW