People need to come to terms with the truth. 9/11 was an inside job! It was our Reichstagg.One day Amerika will look back and likelybe ashamed of the lack of bravery its people have nowdays. Forgetting our past is dooming us to repeat it, this is the way of life. Governments are not to be trusted, our founding fathers knew this and yet we are headed right down the path that a criminal elite want us to tread down. To those who say "Our govt. is too stupid to do this." are spreading total BS. Our government can watch you from space on the street and read a letter in your hands. They can send a bombthrough your window and single you out with an accuracy of a few feet, you should not believe that they are uncapable or too warmhearted to murder a few thousand civilians to profit billions and billions of dollars.
Everyone needs to do more research, use alternative media. Do NOT trust mainstream media outlets. They are ALL yellow journalists, and are ALL paid off by the same elites that purpotrated this war from the getgo. They profit untold fortunes by creating wars such as the war in Iraq and they are getting ready to start their next war in Iran. Its really only a matter of time unless thisaudience of Americans wake the hell up and start really pushing against it.
Google video: Freedom To Fascism by Aaron Russo
Google video: 911 Mysteries
Most importantly do some real damn reading and pick up a book for christ sakes!
Read: Rule By Secrecy by Jim Marrs
Read: 911 Commission Report and see the HUGE gaping holes in the explanation and understand that everything in it was PREAPPROVED by the Bush administration.
I am not claiming to know all the answers by any means, but I do know thatthe officialanswers we were told were LIES!This should lead you to the question, why are they lying to us?
After all of this ask yourself, WHY IS IT UNPATRIOTIC TO ASK QUESTIONS?
Why is itunpatriotic to ask for a REALinvestigation into a mass murder? Ask yourself that!
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