First, thank you for reading. This is my first post in what is to become an astounding blog... or more than anything, a compilation of my random thoughts. First order of business, here is the random hair picture of the day...
Mmm.. isn't that nasty? I thought so too. So one might ask where I spawned the idea for the hairy blog... Well, it was honestly a spontaneous connecting of neurons that lead to the creation of a microsoft paint graphic. Some runner-ups in the idea category were "the carnivore blog" or "the poop blog." The poop blog was actually an idea that I had many moons ago. That idea came from the other spontaneous thought of starting a podcast. The podcast was to be called "the daily poopcast" and I would record it every day while doing my business. Gross and disturbing? Absolutely! That is precisely why I never followed through with the idea. Well, I must depart at this time, so leave some comments if you wish and if you have any ideas that would strike my fancy or could possibly be noteworthy, don't hesitate to pm me, I would be more than happy to elaborate for you. PEACE IN TEH MIDDLE EAST! (sorry, I seldomly use the slang word 'teh' because it's so juvenile...but it was fitting.) Toodles~