yeah it works without mods but its just so boring to me without them now i guess i spoiled the original game with them.
jeremy78940's forum posts
I have two geforce 460's in sli and a intel corei7 2.66ghz.
The mods say there running great in the auto sorter.
and yes i'm trolling on fallout 3 because its so god awfull compared to anything i have ever seen(exept new vegas)
But **** almighty E.T from the 90s was a more stable game.
Anyone willing to help me please do so.
It crashes when i walk in the wasteland,it crashes when you sometimes click the desktop icon (thats the most hilarious one). Hold on ill find more i wrote a few of them down.
Okay,well for one i'm just gonna re-open this thread because i just can.
Okay so Bethesda Softworks Fallout 3 is a very "very" unstable game.
It crashes when using any of my mods.
I have used boss auto sorter mod manager "FOSE" FOOK "FWE" "MMM" "Battle For Washington Alpha" and "War Of Champions"
It crashes.
When you try to save in only certain areas.
When i talk to random people it has a 50/50% chance that it will crash. It happens to sometimes crash when Lucas Simms Approaches me in Megaton and sometimes if i look to the right when i first enter the town.
Only sometimes.
Laser weapons sometimes will also crash the game.
Vats only sometimes crashes. Its not because its a modded in game character because a Wild Boar will work sometimes and sometimes it will crash to desktop.
Hell i got the sound fix, the drivers and the compatibility patches.
I'm almost certain someone **** all over the inside of the PC that originally had the Fallout 3 retail distribution copy for Steam after **** the keyboard while the c++ coding was open for editing purposes.
Excuse my **** language but i'm just pissed want proof of my mod list my fraps fps my speccy pc specs or just flat out screens or a video of it crashing????? Ill do it all take your pick..hell ill do every one of em because its not hard to make it go ****g vats all over your pc.
man oh man fallout 3 has crashed on me so far 30 times today...mmm mmm damn good coding....they **** slapped that keyboard at least 200 times while in there game designing software.I WILL ADMIT I AM USING MODS. But however that does not excuse fallout 3 to crash after i sorted the mods within a 13 hour total fixing...after work for the past 14 days i would just tweak a little of fallout 3 to fix compatibility of i would edit the game after work for about an hour then check my email and go to bed.....well its my day off and i decided to try and play fallout cant......not with more than 2 mods mmm mm nope bethesda is too suckie..,....sucki suck suck suck failiure at sucking.........there worse than hell microsoft by at minimum of 500%........... that **** will crash if theres more than 40 people in an crashes if there 60 people and theres an explosion................its not my i7 and dual 460gt's on a 900W psu could not way no how idc it handles it fine without mods........its just **** softworks plain and simple........fallout 1 is more stable....Hell that **** E.T game from the 90s is more stable than this **** vanilla............
No i wanted to know what mods are compatible i mean cmon i havent found one yet. Even Fallout 3 esm is not compatible with the engine
It would appear as if my eyesight is deteriorating much faster since iv'e started wearing contacts. Anyone else ever noticed this?
I also found a few sites online that would argue over the use of contact lenses and some also hold the same regards to "lasik" eye surgury.
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