@Phreek300: Like others have said on this thread, with the exception of Halo 4, these games have not been about the graphics. They have looked good, but there have been better looking games. Halo 3 was only 640p for god sakes. What is important to an actual Halo fan is the fun factor. As well, Halo has always been known for a lot of dynamic unscripted real time action that does require a lot of processing. KZ SF in the intense action realm, is rather lacking in comparison to other games like Halo, COD and Battlefield. When the on screen action is on the lower end, it's easier on the system to produce nice screenshot worthy graphics. Before you start yelling at me that I don't know what I'm talking about, I played KZ SF and though pretty I found it to be rather boring and the reviews back this up.
jerjef's forum posts
@cyclops10: I guess for some, it kind of relates more to say buying a particular product that you love only to find out that the company manufactures in sweat shops, or use their profits for practices that you morally can't agree with, so you regrettably make as tough decision and stop buying it. This is the same thing. Some people really do have a very negative opinion of microtransactions and are willing to miss out on a great game just to make a point and stop encouraging this new trend in video games.
Edit: I think for those who really want to play the game, but also make a statement to Konami. Buy it used and don't buy any MB coins. Not a nickel to Konami.
@princeofshapeir: The sad truth is that there's nothing more inconsistent than the attitude of a gamer. A gamer could lambast a particular game for something and then the very next week look the other way when their favorite series does it. All the supporters on here for Konami's money grab, probably laughed at Halo 5 or Forza 5's entry into microtransactions and probably even called out for the publisher's heads.
@draign: Yeah the funny part is that the online pieces, like this were unavailable at the time of review so essentially they reviewed part of the final product and not the whole thing. It's like reviewing COD without playing MP.
@drinkerofjuice: The real issue people have with this, like other games this gen with identical microtransaction strategies, is that it deflates any drive a person would have when grinding for something that someone else can get in half a second for cash. What I would personally like to see is, if someone chooses to buy the shortcut, that renders any associated trophies/achievements. Reward those who put some effort into it instead of their credit card.
I think all the reviews need to be modified just like they did with the MCC. They were based on part of the product and not the entire product.
Well opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has one. When it comes to opinions, no one is wrong. I personally really liked Fable 2. More so than GOW2 or Left 4 Dead. I did not play MGS4 or Fallout 3, though I want to play the latter, but haven't had the time. The whole Fallout 3 winning Best RPG, but not GOTY over Fable 2 is not uncommon. It's happened in the past with many award events. It's something to get your head around, but there's obviously a deep level of thought put into it.
My point is though, as mentioned before, when it comes to opinions, NO ONE is wrong.
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