@Thuban_23 Wired controller is like a dream though. offset sticks ftw, though the DS would be more tolerable if it were bigger, and the sticks weren't so horrifically close together, looks like it's a bit better on DS4, that and they finally dumped convex tops. Either way, first order of business is to get an adapter or a 3rd party controller.
@The_Beanster @Imperiacommando Thank Christ for that. Oh you can't play Shitzone 3. I don't play it on my PS3, why would I waste time playing it on my PC when I can play better FPS.
@PSYCHOV3N0M @danusty Those things aren't going to last anyway, just like the more reliable non BC PS3s won't last years down the road when you want to play PS3 games.
At least for PS2 games there's the superior PCSX2 on PC which emulates way better than the PS3 does.
@PSYCHOV3N0M @jessica73 Yeah, I knew it would be unlikely to have it for PS3, but just feel bad for people with DD content for PS1/2/PSN games
But 360 did get Xbox support for hard copy and digital titles, till they sort of stopped caring about it, so I expect PS4 will do the same via streaming eventually.. you just have to pay yet again for the privelege
@23Jarek23 But you have when DS dropped GBA support, and you have when 360 had limited Xbox support, and when PS3 dropped PS2 support, and when PSP GO and Vita didn't support UMD, and when new Wiis and the WiiU didn't support GC games.
Not really a valid argument when BC has become more and more prevalent. Really no excuse for digital titles to vanish into the ether like this.
@Meta-Gnostic @digi-demon Obviously I was thinking of the 360 and made a mistake. Especially since the 360 is the only thing that HAS LB/RB, and I initially said "bumpers/triggers aren't mushy" referring to the 360s pad. If anything the bumpers don't have enough give, but they don't need as much as L1/R1.
@Meta-Gnostic @digi-demon Well, the quality may be different with different batches, all I know is I only have had one rechargabe battery in 7 years and i play the hell out of it. I got hidden costs on the ps3 as well; had to buy a decent length usb cable for charging, and a cross battle adapter to use the better controller ;) But, I don't know how you can say that LB/RB aren't squishy, they're objectively less resistant than the triggers on the 360 and so are the analog sticks, but I just like more resistance in my controllers.
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