Evil Mario pushed the button then..... the room started to shake...
Jess: Mario!! we have to get out of here, the building is coming down!!
Mario: Come on follow me the exit is over here!!
Jess follows Mario as they run for the exit and make it out of the building in time, the building collapses just as they exit....
Mario: That was close....
Jess: Too close!!
Mario: Now where did Evil Mario go with Luigi?
Jess: Do..... y-you think he.... went to Bowser/
Mario: Why would he help Bowser?
Jess: to rule the world?
Jess then turns her head to the now destroyed building and notices Evil Mario leaving.....
Jess: Mario!! Look!!
Mario: *sees Evil Mario* Lets follow him
Jess and Mario stay aways back but follow Evil Mario, to a warp pipe and watch him jump in, after waiting for a bit, to make sure he had cleared the pipe, Jess and Mario jump in.... after being spewed out the other end they catch site of Evil Mario and continue following to Bowsers Castle....
Mario: wow Jess, you were right...
Jess: Yeah but why would he work with bowser?
Mario: well lets follow and find out!
Mario and Jess sneak into the building and quietly follow Evil Mario to King Bowsers throne room, and hide behind one of the many statues and sneak closer to listen in...
Bowser: Ahhhh Evil Mario, you've caught a mouse...
Evil mario: Yes sir, what do you want me to do with him?
Bowser: throw him into his cage. *bowser said while directing a cage on his left*
Evil Mario: with pleasure
with a slight motion Evil Mario tosses Luigi into the cage, causing him to make a thud when he lands.
Evil Mario: Now what do we do sir?
Bowser: Why, we wait for the other little mice to fall into our hands
*from behind the statue*
Jess: *whispers* Oh no! Poor Luigi!!
Mario: *whispers* Now we just need a plan..
Mario forgets himself for a second and plops down on the ground, Jess gasps and hopes that no one heard it. but.........