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After he saw them leave, he layed his head back down, Luigi was scared, he knew mario wasn't gonna let him die, but after what he heard Mario tell bowser he wasn't sure.....

Luigi: *softly* why did mario agree to help bowser?

Evil Mario: cause he's trying to be the hero and save you...

Luigi was caught off guard by the fact that Evil Mario was still in the room.

Luigi: i thought you left?

Evil Mario: oh no you see Bowser gave me strict instructions to stay here and guard you, though i doubt you'll be going anywhere....

Luigi just glares at evil mario..


Luigi groans slightly and lies back down, he tried not to fall asleep but he couldn't help it, his eyelids felt so heavy and it wasn't long before he was in dream land...

Evil Mario: *softly but sinisterly* have a good rest while you can baby.


Jess and Mario are now in Bowser's second throne room... Jess is still sad and Mario is trying to cheer her up but to no avail...

Jess: *whispering*I wish we hadn't left him they're....

Mario: *giving Jess a small hug and whispering* it's okay he'll be allright, i'll figure a way to get us of of this and we'll save him don't worry...

Jess: *continues whispering* i hope so mario..

Bowser walked over and intruppted they're moment, he loved doing that...

Bowser: well do either one of you two have a way for me to take over this place....

Jess: uh....................................

Mario: sorry bowser, you're gonna have to give us a little more time to come up with something....

Bowser: why should i do that?

Mario: well with everything that happened to Luigi we still need time to get over the shock!!

Bowser: fine you have an hour!!

Mario/Jess: thanks...

Bowser: you're allowed to walk around, just stay away from luigi, if ya know whats good for ya!! And report back here after an hour!!

Mario/Jess: yes sir...

Mario and Jess left the second throne room and walked down the long hall, they had to think of something but couldn't, it was obvious that it was gonna take more than an hour for them to think of anything, but then Jess saw........