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just some random story

*walking on a bean high above some water*

Jess: Mario, i hope we get out of here

Luigi: yeah me too...

Mario: you guys don't have to worry..... we'll be okay. *hear a rumbling sound*

Luigi: W-What was th-that?

Jess: I-I think it was the beam

Mario: uh oh....

*beam breaks and they all fall*


*after a few minuets they hit the water, Jess and Mario are the first to come up*

Mario: Jess are you okay?

Jess: yeah i'm fine

Mario: Luigi how about you?

Luigi: .....................................

Mario: Luigi? *looks around* LUIGI!!! *finds his hat floating on the water*

Jess: oh no.....

Mario: he must still be underwater.

*Jess and Mario Dive Down to find him*

they are swimming down for awhile when Jess sees Luigi sinking down unconscious and tugs on Mario's arm..

*Mario sees him and swim down to get him, and swim back up to the serface*

Mario: Luigi *slaps him lightly* Luigi?

Jess: you don't think he's....

Mario: i hope not.......

(i may finish this i may not, this was just some random story idea i had i may do this more often just to see how some of my ideas work out....)