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Near the end 17

Durning the "hug fest" Jess's ear twitched, Luigi felt the twitch and tapped Jess on the shoulder.

"Hey Jess your ear twitched, why?" Luigi asked
"Hmm, I my ear must be picking up a sound or something." Jess answered
"Well then shhhh." Mario shushed

Everyone remained quiet, they heard nothing but still did not make a sound. Mario had stopped hugging Luigi and was standing perfectly still or at least as still as possible, hoping that soon Jess would hear something again. After 10 minuets Jess's ear twitched again, but this time she wasn't the only one.

"What is that?" Luigi asked
"It sounds like someones coming!" Jess said as Mario walked over to the door and peeked out
"Oh man its Bowser and my evil self!" Mario said. "Everybody hide!"

Mario hid behind a statue by the door, Jess and Luigi hid farther away behind another of Bowser's many statues. Bowser followed by Evil Mario entered the room, Evil Mario threw a fireball and lit a torch which then caused other torches to lite. Jess, Luigi, and Mario shifted back be hind the statues so they wouldn't be seen.

"They've already gotten to Luigi." Evil Mario said after a long silence. "So they couldn't have gotten to far."
"True, so they have already left the room or are still here." Bowser said slyly.
"So then the million coin question is where are they hiding?" Evil Mario asked as he looked around the room

From where Mario was hiding he could see his evil self walk toward a statue that Jess and Luigi were behind, he kept getting closer and closer, Mario wasn't sure what to do, he moved a little bit so he could see better until "clank!" by accident Mario's foot hit a bucket an knocked it over.

"Thats a stupid place to put a bucket but uh oh!" Mario said as he looked up and saw Bowser and his evil clone looking at him!
"Well, well the plumbing rat decided to make our search easier and decided to show himself!" Evil Mario said
"Trust me it wasn't my own desicion." Mario said
"Right, whatever now tell us where is the girl and Luigi??" Evil Mario asked
"I'm not telling you." Mario said

Evil Mario jumped quickly at Mario and pinned him against the wall, holding him by his throat and lifted him up so his feat couldn't reach the ground!

"WHERE ARE THEY??" Evil Mario yelled
"I-I'M NOT TELLING Y-YOU!!" Mario yelled back.