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Near the End 18: Big danger

Jess and Luigi were still hiding behind a statue on the far side of the room. Jess could see Mario and his evil clone fighting and could hear the echos, Jess quickly tried to stand up and shout but was quickly stopped by Luigi.

"Jess what are you doing?!" Luigi whispered quickly
"I'm trying to help Mario!" Jess whisperedharshly back
"For right now, no, if you did that his evil clone will kill him!" Luigi whispered
"Well then what do we do?" Jess asked in a whisper
"Easy we wait for Mario's signal." Luigi answered
"Wait what signal?" Jess asked
"You'll see trust me, this is something me and Mario came up with. Just watch" Luigi said then turned his attenton back to his brother.

Mario was still pinned to the wall by Evil Mario, out of the corner of his eye he could see Jess and Luigi hiding. He could tell what Luigi was waiting for but not yet, it wasn't time now.

"Grrrr, WHERE ARE THEY??!" Evil Mario yelled
"I don't know!" Mario stated calmly

Bowser was watching this whole thing with anticipation, but then he noticed something, yes Mario was struggling but he seemed too calm, then he caught a glimps of a small pink tail peaking out from a statue.

"What the heck?" Bowser said as he snuck over quietly and see's Jess and Luigi hiding and grabs them both by the back of the shirts.
"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Jess and Luigi they screamed as they were hoiste into the air
"Well look what i found!" Bowser exclaimed!

Evil Mario still held Mario but turned around to see the mice Bowser caught.

"Well, what do ya know there they are!" Evil Mario said as he grined evilly as he looked back at Mario
"Sorry Mario.." Jess said
"Its okay Jess it wasn't your fault!" Mario tried to yell but struggled due to Evil Mario's hand..

Luigi knew what was happening but still kept his focus on Mario, waiting...