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Near the End 19: the worst chance

Luigi kept his focus on his brother, waiting for his moment.. Jess kept her focus on Luigi she didn't know what was gonna happen but what ever it was she was hoping it would happen soon. Mario was still pinned to the wall by Evil Mario, feeling the crushing weight of his foe. Slightly to the left of Evil Mario's head he could see his brother hanging in the grip of Bowser, waiting for the moment to attack when finally with his hand Mario grabbed the bill of his hat and flicked it with his finger, that was the signal Luigi was waiting for, seeing this Luigi sprang into action. Using his long legs Luigi kicked Bowser as hard as he could causing Bowser to drop him and Jess.

"Jess, go after Evil Mario i'll try to stall Bowser." Luigi said
"Right!" Jess said

Then Jess ran and tackled Evil Mario from behind before he had a chance to counter, then pinned him on his stomach so he couldn't try to get up.

"Mario are you okay?" Jess asked
"Y-yeah i-i'm fine Jess." Mario answered. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah i'm fine." Jess said
"Grr GET OFF OF ME HEDGEHOG!" Evil Mario yelled as he struggled to get up from under Jess's weight
"No, now shut up!" Jess said

Mario saw that Jess could handle the situation and ran to help Luigi, but could see that Luigi was also handling the situation well.

"Nice job Luigi!" Mario said
"Thanks bro!" Luigi responded as he high-fived Mario
"Forget it you can't win it's already to late!" Bowser groaned. "Koopa Troopas have already gone to Peach's castle and are already on the way back."
"Grrrr, what are you talking about you rotten turtle!" Mario growled with a fist pulled back, ready to strike
"There on thier way back with the princess, and if you want to ensure her safty I sugest you cool it" Bowser groaned as he stood up

Mario had to put his fist down in surrender, he didn't want the princess to be hurt. Evil Mario could see that Jess was distracted and took his chance and with a swift movement pushed Jess and managed grab her and keep her from moving.

"JESS!" Mario and Luigi shouted
"Ha got ya!" Evil Mario said to Jess
"Grrr LET ME GO!" Jess shouted
"LET HER GO!!" Mario shouted but hesitated to move
"Evil Mario release her, they'll be fine." Bowser said with a sinister laugh

Reluctenly Evil Mario let go of Jess, and she joined Mario and Luigi. Then two Koopa Troopas walked past the door with Peach in hand.

"PEACH!!!" Mario yelled
"MARIO HELP ME!" Peach yelled
"You better not hurt Peach!" Mario yelled to Bowser
"Don't worry your precious princess will be fine as long as you follow my instructions!" Bowser said sinisterly

Mario stayed in a defencive pose for a couple of moments then sighed and relaxed showing defeat.

"Fine what do you want me to do?" Mario asked
"HA HA HA! I'm glad you see it my way, first i want you to go with Evil Mario and take Peach to the Dungeon, then come back here." Bowser said
"Y-yes sir.." Mario stuttered as he and Evil Mario left to escort Peach to the dungeon.
"Mario!" Jess said as she started to run after Mario but was then quickly stopped by Luigi
"No Jess!" Luigi said
"But Mario he's gon...." Jess said
"Just forget it and let him go, Bowser has us." Luigi said as he put a hand on Jess's shoulder

Mario made a last glance at Luigi and Jess then turned with a sigh and walked with Peach and Evil Mario to the Dungeon.