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Near the End chapter 14

Mario and Jess had been in the training room for over 2 hours now, they had a plan, though it wasnt much, they would have to wing the rest of it.

"Are you guys done yet?" Evil Mario asked as he peeked in the door
"Yes, yes we are." Mario answered as he exchanged a glance with Jess
"Good then lets go, what kept you two anyway?" Evil Mario asked
"Well we were still training so when we do take over the Mushroom Kingdom, we'll be less likely to get hurt!" Jess answered
"Uh, riiiiiiiiiiight." Evil Mario said, "I would have waited longer but the bateries died on my Game Thing SP."
"Well you should have brought the charger!" Mario said
"If I had thought of that, then we would be here forever!" Evil Mario said
"Ya know he has a point.." Jess said as she walked out the door after she put her shoes back on
"Yeah I know Jess." Mario said as he did the same as Jess

Evil Mario started walking ahead, as he slid his Game Thing into his pocket and continued on. Jess and Mario followed behind but not closely behind, Mario put his arm around Jess to help her feel better but was not having much luck.

"Jess, don't worry we'll help Luigi." Mario whispered
"I know but I still can't help feeling worried about him." Jess whispered back
"I know what you mean, I'm worried about him too, but he'll be okay" Mario whispered. "We just need to make sure our plan can follow through!"
"But Mario, we don't even have a plan! the plan we have is mostly us winging it and hoping we don't get killed!" Jess whispered harshly
"Don't worry we'll be fine." Mario whispered
"I hope so." Jess said quietly
"What are you two whispering about back there?" Evil Mario asked
"Uh-Uh nothing! J-Jess was just a little...." Mario started to say
"Nervous! I-I was just nervous about our plan, in hopes that Bowser will like it!" Jess said nervously
"Right..." Evil Mario said and kept walking

After walking for a few minuets Evil Mario led Mario and Jess back to Bowsers second throne room, to see Bowser sitting apon his throne, only looking up to see that they had come back into the room.

"Ahhh glad to see you have returned!" Bowser said cheerfully. "have you come up with my plan to take over the Mushroom Kingdom?"
"Y-Yes sir." Mario stuttered, he hated calling Bowser "sir" but it was necessary so he did. "We came up witha plan."
"Y-Yes, you need to kidnapp the princess!" Jess said
"But i've tried that before and have always failed, what makes this time so different?" Bowser asked
"Well this time i'm not going to save her! See and when.... she sees that i'm not going to save her she'll....." Mario Started
"She'll-She'll be so heartbroken that she'll give the mushroom Kingdom to you!" Jess finished

Bowser walked away for a minuet or so thinking on this new plan that he has just heard. Jess and Mario stood by anxiously hoping he would like the plan, After a couple of minuets he came back and responed.

"It may not be the best plan, but it will work for now, very good." Bowser said
"T-thank you sir." Jess and Mario said together
"M-may we see Luigi?" Jess asked
"Hmm, What? Oh yeah sure go see the little whimp."
"Thank you sir!" Jess and Mario said as they quickly ran out of the room


Luigi was sitting on the floor of his cage trying to catch his breath, from the punch to the stomach he had recived from one of the Koopa Troopas.

"Grr, if I ever get out of here you guys are gonna get it!" Luigi groaned
"Oh yeah sure! you're gonna hurt me!" The first Koopa Troopa laughed
"What are you gonna do? slap me" The second Koopa Troopa laughed

Luigi listened to the torment, but was still in pain and could do nothing about it and worse of the poision was starting to take affect again and Luig was starting to feel dizzy.