*here's more!!*
After some time Jess realized that they had never thought of anything to tell Bowser!! they knew they were gonna be in a lot of trouble when they got back.
(10 minuets left)
"Oh man what are we gonna tell Bowser! WE HAVE NO PLAN!!" Jess exclaimed
"Don't worry, we'll just make up something as we go!!" Mario said
"ManI hope that works." Jess said
"To tell ya the truth Jess me too." Mario said
They made it back to Bowser's throne room with only 5 minuets to spare, when they walked in they saw Evil Mario talking to Bowser.
"Okay that can't be good." Jess whispered to Mario
"Yeah I know" Mario whispered back
"H-Hello sir!" Jess and Mario said together nervously
"Hello, have you two thought of anything yet?" Bowser asked as Evil Mario left the room
"N-no sir, but uh we do have a reason why!!" Mario lied hoping Bowser would fall for it
"What reason is that?" Bowser asked
"Well sir, it's just that even if we were too give you an idea, we would be in no shape to help you!" Jess said. "I mean look at Mario, I mean surely you have a place for us to toughen up?"
"Yes I could see your point" Bowser said while looking at Mario. "There isa training room just down the hall, Evil Mario will lead you there and stay with you, and when you get back I EXPECT YOU TO HAVE A PLAN!!!!"
"YES SIR!!!" Jess and Mario said as they started to exit the room
They were met at the door by Evil Mario, and he led them down the long hallway to the training room, Jess and Mario were led inside and the door was shut behind them.
"I think he's onto us Mario" Jess said
"Yeah I think so too." Mario stated
"Uh Mario, I didn't mean anything when I said "look at Mario" Jess said nervously
"It's okay Jess I understood what ya ment." Mario said as he gave Jess a small hug
"Thanks Mario! Well as long as we're here we might as well train." Jess said
"Yeah I guess so!" Mario stated as he looked around. "Hey Jess, could you teach me karate"
"Yeah sure! but we need to take our shoes off." Jess answered
Jess and Mario walk to by the door and take off their shoes, Jess started with basic things and was surprised that Mario was learning this quickly and after an hour or so got to be the same level as Jess!
"Wow Mario, I think you just got to a black belt level faster than me!" Jess exclaimed
"Really? Wow, I didn't even notice!" Mario asked slightly surprised
"Yes and if I had a black belt right now I would give you one!" Jess answered
"Cool!!!" Mario exclaimed
Jess just smiled, then practiced other things while Mario watched, he tried somethings and found other things he excelled at, and some he didn't.
"Wow Mario, now you can combine things from karate and gymnastics!" Jess stated
"Ya think so?" Mario asked
"Yes, we'll do better now, in saving Luigi!" Jess exclaimed
"Well duh, that's cuz were trouble for Bowser now!!" Mario exclaimed with Jess with a slight whoop!!
"Well DUH!!!!" Jess said!
"Now to figure out how to save LUIGI!!" Mario said