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random ness

i like to be random, being random is a fun thing to do cause i know how to do it, i was born random and shall be random for the rest of my life untill i die.

Danny Phantom is a good show and i will watch the new eps when they come out in june so i have never seen the eps that they have posted online and i'm not gonna watch them either so untill they are on tv i will not peak even though i have seen the beginigns on youtube but that is all. Danny does not need to go off air! he needs more eps or at least a DVD set, knowing how nick works they may not realease a DVD set untill the show is off air for good! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO they need to do it now or the fangirls of the world will unite and will attack!


If anyone goes to or so look me up and if you have an account check out my pics and tell me what you think, cause for me i know i am a good artist and writer but sometimes i wonder if i am really as good at i think. (i don't mean to sound negative to myself i mean i am confident in my abilites) oh and check me out on to find my stories i am known as Jess the Hedgehog

Out of all of the video games i have played on my GBA SP the ones i love the best are mario

Sonic- hey but what about all of the stories and episodes you have made in your head?

Me- Sorry sonic but i have played mario games before i played yours, sides it was my sis who had the gennesis not me i had the original nintendo.

Mario- Yes! whoot! Sonic is loosing his fans one by one

Me- uhhh mario i am a bigger fan of your bro. Luigi than you


Me- rrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggggghhhhhhhhht

and as a note:

Fun box oh fun box

small and square and dark

fun box oh fun box

check out these cool locks!

i like the fairly odd parents i love cosmo cause he is such and idiot that he is so funny! cause when you think about it we are all like cosmo down on the inside and sometimes it gets let out so people embrace you're inner Danny or Cosmo and let it be shown to the world!!

"Hey you made me make a poopie!" Cosmo