i just thought i would do this just to see what would do, i may actually use this to actually write stroies that come into my head or whatever i feel like ranting about each day depends on how i feel.
My fan characters name is Jess Hedgehog
Age: 15
Abilites: IQ of 300, super Sonic speed, chaos powers
appearence: she's pink with blue eyes and darker pink hair, she wears a purple plaid jacket with a white t-shirt unerneath, she also wears blue jeans that are baggy and boot cut so they cover half of her shoes, the shoes she wears are brown but white in the front and are white on the souls.
Luigi's mansion 2: Boos revenge
Luigi could have sworn that his mansion was starting too look different, sure he had only been living there for a few months, he had brought this up to Mario, but Mario knew his brother better he just thought that Luigi was paranoid,he usually a coward, but to Luigi everything seemed to be different.