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*Jess and Mario take Luigi and swim to a shore, and lift Luigi out and lay him on his back*

Mario: *slaps him lightly* Luigi wake up, come on wake up!!

Jess: Uh Mario i think we may need to do mouth to mouth...

Mario: ...................................................... Okay then you do it....

Jess: WHAT!!! WHY ME?????

Mario: cuz your a girl and you were trained in this sorta thing!!! and if i do it, he may wake up and be very akward.

Jess: i hate you right now *Jess starts CPR on Luigi*

After a few minuets of CPR luigi wakes up in a surprizing way...

*while Jess is giving CPR she has her mouth to breath in when luigi coughs causing water to go into her mouth.....*

Jess: AHHHHHHHHH *starts Spitting*

Luigi: Mario what happened?

Mario: when we landed in the water, you never came back up and we thought you almost drowned.

Jess: yeah and i gave you CPR, and you coughed water into my mouth!!!

Luigi: hee hee sorry...

Jess: it's okay, i'm just glad your okay...

*Luigi tries to stand up*

Jess/Mario: woah luigi just sit still...

Jess: yeah after what just happened i wouldn't be so quick to get up....

Mario: Yeah, one of us should go try to find a way out...

Jess: Mario you should go, i can stay here and watch Luigi

Mario: but Jess...

Jess: Don't worry we'll be okay, cause with my hearing i would be able to hear something before it would get us....

Mario: all right

*Mario runs off in one direction to find help*

Luigi: are you sure we're gonna be okay?

Jess: yeah don't worry, just keep an eye on my ears and you'll know if we're in danger...

Luigi: how?

Jess: if they perk up, then watch out

*at that moment Luigi saw Jess's ears perk up*

Luigi: Jess, what do you hear

*Luigi saw Jess looking off to the left and turned his head to see........................................*