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the story continues!!!

*he saw.......................evil Mario*

Luigi: oh Jess, it's okay its only mario!!!

Jess didn't move nor take her eyes off Evil Mario......

Luigi: it's okay that's mario...

Jess: No it's not, that's notMario!!

Luigi: Huh? what are you talking about?

Jess: Mario Just Left, he wouldn't have come back that fast.....

Evil Mario: She has a point Luigi, you should listen...... cause you won't get a chance for anything else

Jess jumps at Evil Mario and manages to give him a scratch on his arm before he knocks her back into the wall *they are in a building* then Mario comes running back...

Mario: Jess, Luigi! Watch out for...... never mind i see you already found out..... *Mario runs over to Jess* Jess are you okay?

Jess: yeah i'm just fine......


Mario: huh? *gets tackled by Evil Mario*

After a few minuets of fighting Mario and Evil Mario stopped and stood up....

Luigi: Mama Mia, which one is who

Jess: as of right now I don't know....

Mario: GUY'S I'M MARIO!!

Mario: NO I AM!!!

Luigi: Uh, i'm confused, who is Mario?

Jess: Ah ha!! *attacks second mario*

Mario: How did you know?

Jess: *between punces* Easy Evil Mario had a scratch on his left arm......

Mario: Oh.....

Unfortunetly while Jess was distracted partially with her conversation Evil Mario took the oppertunity and knocked Jess away.... Evil Mario quickly got up and started torwards Luigi, Luigi sat there as Evil Mario attacked when.............