cool good to know. I just want to know everyone's reactions to the 3ds. :)
jester0815's forum posts
The Demo unit was mounted so you couldn't pick it up. I tried moving the slider mutlipule times for the 3D effect to work for me, but like I said it only worked for four seconds for me. I even stepped back as far as I can and got closer too. Still it was blurred. I guess I will try it again. (I am still getting one on launch!)
I played Pilot Wings at Best Buy, but I only say the 3D for about 4 seconds then it went blurry. I had the 3D set to the max then to the middle to see if that was it, but it still did the same thing. Does anyone here wear contacts or glasses, I think this might be my problem. Anyone experience the same effects? Just wondering.
wats the adhoc?JoKeR_421
adhoc party you can play psp games that are adhoc only through your ps3 wifi and play as it were infrustructure mode....
Hi everyone,
I noticed today that you are able to download the adhoc application on your ps3. I can't seem to find it on the psn store. Is there a specific place to download it from? If any of you guys/gals have downloaded it yet can you please let me know where to do that.
Thanks in advance!
You should try hold the soft reset button down again until it does a triple beep. It resets the system. You need to plug in your AV cables into the TV as well as your HDMI cables and set your HD settings again. Hopefully that helps.
Use common sense. Anything that is left on for long periods of time is more susceptable to breaking down. Plus your raising your energy bill even more. Turn it off. It's not that serious. Save your game and save money on your electric bill. And most importantly you won't get the RRD if you take care of your system and don't leave it on!
Bottom line is that netflix streaming doesn't include new released titles. It usually takes up to 3 months for a new movie to come out on netflix streaming. That said there is a huge streaming library of different movies to pick from through netflix. It's a great service if you are already a netflix suscriber. I use it on my xb360 and PC. I can't wait for it to come to my PS3 as I use my PS3 in my family's living room.
Just yesterday I tried to Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce from a shop, the downloading method. The guy told me my PSP had a different.. version or something, and DWS uses a later one so it wouldn't work. Is it possible to upgrade it or something? Or will I never get to play it? I don't even know what it is, just that he showed me the screen with some version number on it.
Help appreciated, thanks.
Usually there is an update on the UMD included with the game, if it requires a firmware update.
As everyone said before, you need to do a hard rest. Thats holding the power button down until it does a double beep. When that is done cut off the system from the back. Make sure in the options mode for HDMI you only pick the resolutions your television supports, otherwise it will kick it back to AV.
I hope that helps some.
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