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French moi!

Juste un petit post en francais pour mettre les choses au clair parce que je suis convaincu qu'il y en as plusieurs qui vont comprendre et que j'ai jamais vue un seul post en francais sur ce site. C'est pas que ça me dérange de parler l'anglais (en faite je crois que la communication universel est de loin plus importante que l'appartenance à une langue ou une autre) mais il fait toujours bon de retrouver de la familiaritée dans les endroits que nous fréquentons.



Those japanese people sure know how to prove me wrong. A lot of time I've felt like Nintendo has let me down. I tried to be as loyal as possible with the company that brought me into that gaming universe I love so much but at some point, I simply losed faith in Nintendo and their way of marketing. Even tough I was always the first to say that Nintendo has games for grown-ups almost as much as for kids and that there is more to it than simple mascot games, the lack of strong third party support started to feel like they where not caring about catching my market's attention. I'm almost ashamed to say I have a gamecube and always point out it was my girlfriend's decision when I'm asked about it. When the DS was announced I predicted the end of the big N, it was becoming clear those guys have lost their minds and it seems now that I was wrong about that. No problem, everyone has the right to make some mistakes, but after E3 it was much more clearer: Nintendo doesn't know what to do and will get out with a gimmicky new controller to compensate for their lack of power and will obviously fail in the first half of the next console's life cycle.

Sorry but wrong answer again...

life si not meant to play games...

Being a gamer is not an easy thing. Not for everybody anyway. I know all those level 50 in World of warcraft might disagree but I think for most of us who are grown ups with multiple responsabilities (and a girlfriend) being a gamer is almost a work by itself. For starters, having a young kid and a stable girlfriend is a major distraction in a gamers life. Not to mention working full time and going to school in the evening. If you throw in a couple of friends and relatives who you need to go see at least once every months or two and your left with something like 4 hours during the night when you can find the time to play some games.

I am currently striving to complete 4-5 different games at the same time and a lot of new games are coming out all the time. I use to have a game-log but it's not possible anymore given the ridiculous amount of time I have it would take more than a console's life cycle before I could play all the games I wanted to. It's now to a point where I look elsewhere when there's an Ebgame or any video club. Anyway, the handheld market is another option and I'm trying to convince myself the Ds won't look silly in the hands of a 25 years old professional, or rather that the 25 years professional won't look silly with a Ds. In a way or another, God was certainly not a gamer.
