jeszac / Member

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life si not meant to play games...

Being a gamer is not an easy thing. Not for everybody anyway. I know all those level 50 in World of warcraft might disagree but I think for most of us who are grown ups with multiple responsabilities (and a girlfriend) being a gamer is almost a work by itself. For starters, having a young kid and a stable girlfriend is a major distraction in a gamers life. Not to mention working full time and going to school in the evening. If you throw in a couple of friends and relatives who you need to go see at least once every months or two and your left with something like 4 hours during the night when you can find the time to play some games.

I am currently striving to complete 4-5 different games at the same time and a lot of new games are coming out all the time. I use to have a game-log but it's not possible anymore given the ridiculous amount of time I have it would take more than a console's life cycle before I could play all the games I wanted to. It's now to a point where I look elsewhere when there's an Ebgame or any video club. Anyway, the handheld market is another option and I'm trying to convince myself the Ds won't look silly in the hands of a 25 years old professional, or rather that the 25 years professional won't look silly with a Ds. In a way or another, God was certainly not a gamer.
