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jetbruceli Blog

The WII, The 360 and Playstation 3

After trying to own both 360 and PS3 I had to let one go. Mainly because of space and because they both play most of the same games.

I eventually sold my PS3 because well I invested more in the 360 with an HD DVD and more games and movies. So sorry Sony maybe next year.

Anyways this blog is more concern with the system wars. Over the last few months I have notice that there isnt anything other than Medal Gear, coming out for the ps3 that had any noticeable interests to me. The 360 is getting more exclusives and they are getting the games faster. I think the 360 just might be the best for HD console gaming due to its game lineup.

But, remember the 3DO and Atari 64? Or the 32x? These were more powerful systems back in the day than there counterparts. They had some solid games but the market belonged to Sony Nintendo and Sega. After the fall of the Sega systems there was only Sony and Nintendo. Nintendo, did at one time have system more powerful than any out there but still lost due to the popularity of the PS1. I think Sony isnt understanding why Nintendo's Less powerful system WII is beating them to death in all markets. I know MS has there hands full now that they are doing alright but still they dont really have a clue either.

I will tell why its gonna be the best system overall now, so please Sony and MS listen.

When a new system is being launched the only people interested are the gamers who live for gaming. These people want the best system with games. We all thought Sony was doing was a great job by bringing us this massive system with all these HD capabilities and we loved how MS brought us a system with HD early but, we all missed the point what PS1 and Nintendo (Famicon) did, it was to bring us a system to change our lives. See, Nintendo opened the door to a better all users system like as they did with the orignal Nintendo. They gave a new joystick and a price we all could afford. Sony once gave us the system with the all the exclusive we could want.

The WII is winning because well, like the systems before, its what the world wants not just the hardcore gamer. They said they wanted a system for everyone and they did. It's not ever gonna compete in graphics or HD video wars cuz thats what they are here for. They are here to bring a gaming system that delivers fun and excitement. It's not meant to bring one or 2 exclusives a month, they want like 20 or 30 games out at a time. Why?

Because the people who buy the systems want choice. If MS relies only on Halo then what about the guy like me who don't like Halo (I know thats belongs in another blog) but serious, I like the Arcade games and most others.

The Wii offers so much for so little. They're not telling you to buy movies, or decide based off thier hardware just try it for fun.

I dont officially own a WII, it's almost impossible to get an American Version in Germany where I am based. But as soon as I can, there will be a WII in the spot of the Sony PS3.

I am sorry if some people are mad because I am sure there are alot of people who want to diss agree but really, why is so hard to accept that Nintendo is back on top?

Look at the numbers and see for yourself, its not a fluke or some luck. They are doing what they do best, giving us fun!

The Winner Is???????????????????????

Hey everyone who reads this thanks for you patients!

A long time ago when the Snes and Genesis were out facing one another I was always voting for the Snes cuz well it was the only one I had. After then when I started making better money, I was into the Playstation era. It was a huge success and so was the Ps2.

A few years ago, I finally stepped up to the PC because before there was any next gen systems there was only PC for higher graphics and gaming. A even now its already beyond that of the consoles. Some people want to Ps3 to rise up but some want the 360. The WII which I dont have is winning because the ave person doesnt want to spend that kind of money for system that dont look to much better on a standard tv. At 250$ and ease of use, it's more like the Ipod of video games.

But really there isnt gonna be one or 2 systems holding the trophies cuz this is the first we actually get a chance to have a system that is who we are. The PS3 is perfect for power and media, the 360 one stop HD arcade and the WII is the family board game. Before we argued over graphics and compared the same games and how big the cartridge was. Now we have systems that meet our decor and personalities. 360 offers so many FPS and arcade games. Its really the middle system since the Ps3 has the more power and media entertainment that almost competes with a gaming pc, and of course the WII is just fun when your bored and want to do something with your hands instead of tricky buttom controls.

Anyways, the only point I am making is that there shouldn't be such war since they have different purposes.

But if I had to choose one system for me it would be the PC only because it can do all and above the rest!

Take care!