Haven't played a Ubisoft game in years. Funny to see them spiral into complete a state of complete disconnect from gamers like myself, all the while thinking that they are expanding their audience. It's more like they're burning a bridge from the middle point outward.
This is idiotic. No concrete details of the genuine plot of the game have surfaced. The game's time traveling elements have not been explained. No lead villain has been revealed, unless that bird-thing qualifies. The revelation of a handful of enemy types certainly doesn't amount to a "tearing down" of Infinite's "universe". Moreover, your vague (and stupid) suggestion that Irrational should use the "magnificent talents of (their) art team and feed imaginations" seems to imply a trickle of concept art, or some other nonsense, rather than gameplay video, which is what these enemy previews have provided. I believe, Mr. Varanini, along the lines of what EliOli suggested, that you are stirring an empty pot, wasting six paragraphs explaining that you don't want the game "spoiled" for you when you, and the rest of your lot, could simply ignore the videos if you are so convinced that teasers of a few enemy types are going to ruin the narrative for you. This didn't merit an article.
jethrovegas' comments